Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

kW,. 1 N,'kIN'H//%//ANT / % The Summeof Exonus. THis fecond Booke of Mofes,íheweth the increafe and oppreffion of Ifrael in Egypt: The fending of Mofes to deliver them : the renne plagues of God upon Egypt : The bringing out of Ifrael with flrong hand : The leading of them through the Sea,where Pharaoh was drowned : The fafe- condu&ing of them in the Wilderneffe : The Covenant betweene God and them at Mount Sins, where he gave them Lawes, and Judgements and Statures ; ordaining a Prieflhood, for his Service ; and ereeted a Tabernacle, for to dwell therein among them. More particularly. Srael increafe, are oppreffed in Egypt , and Judicial! loves ,concerning the bodies and lives of men. Chap.zr Larves concerning goods andChattels. z2 L*t oe Lawes concerning jufloce ; and religious duties. 23 The covenant of the law is approved and con- firmed with facrifce. 24 Geld commandeth to make an L Irke , a Table, and a Landleficke. 25 Tomake a Tabernacle, wherein they fhould bee placed. z 6 To make a brazen ltar : and Court of the Tabernacle. 27 To make Priefily garments for Aaron and his fonnes. z 8 To confecrate the Priefls, and Altar : to facri- fice daily. 2g To make thegoldenviltar ;the brazen Laver: annotating oyle,and Perfume. 30 The workmen of the Tabernacle : theSabbath, and Tables of floue. 31 Ifraels Idolatry : for which God would have defrayed them. 32 They are brought te repentance. Mofes would fee Gods glory. 33 The covenant is renewed : Mores facefhineth, and is veyled. 54 The people bring gifts, for the making of the Tabernacle. 35 Bezaleel and Aholiab, make the Tabernacle it felfe. 36 The Arke,Tadle,Candlefiìcke,golden vlltar, oyle,and perfume are made. 37 The brazen Altar,Laver,and Court. The fit»: of the offerings. 38 The PriefIs garments are made. All the worke is approved. 39 The Tabernacle is fee up,and anointed; and fil- ledwith Gods glory. 40 their fonnes drowned. Chap.' Mofes his birth , education, pietie, and perfe_ cut ton. clltores keeping fbeepe, fceth a vi lion ; and is feat to deliver Ifrael. 3 He is confirmed by fignes,tsfens with Aaron to Pharaoh and Ifrael. 4 Pharaoh reffleth,andvexeth Ifrael: they cry out of Mofes,and grieve him. 5 God Incourageth Moles, and rends him againe to Ifrael and Pharaoh. 6 Mofes worketh rniracles,and is refilled by Pha- raohsforcerers. 7 Egypt is plagued with Frogs, Lice,and Flies : Pharaoh is hardned. 8 Moe plagues of Murrain,Boyles,and Haile: yet Pharaoh ref fleth. 9 Plagues of Lorufls and darkneffe : Pharaoh is more hardened. IO Egypt is appointed to tlse toile : all their firfi borne tbreatned to dye. it The Paffeoveris kept: the Aft. borne of Egypt f aine : Ifrael departeth. 12 Their fief borne are fanllifea' toGod : he con- dulleth Ifrael, with a pillar. I; Pharaoh purfueth Ifrael: they pale through the fe o, where Pharaoh is drowned. 04 Ifrael fingeth Gods praife. They murmure for water,and have it fweetned. 15 They murmur for bread: God feeds them with Wailes andManna. 16 They murmure for ovater,andhave itfrem the Rocke. They overcome Amaleck. 17 letbro meeteth Mofes. officers are let over 1f- rael. 18 Ifrael u fanliofied to receive Gods fiery Law at .Siva ,_. Mount. I9 God giveth the moraliLaw, with terreur: all Ifrael is afraid. 20 //I%/////N//014:1117111UNIN/// - `