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4D1rJVU11v111verme EXODUS I. Departing, becaufe the firf}.chiefe thing here hand -. led ,, is of the Departing or Outgoing of Ifrael from Egypt, Exod. i 2.41. This Greek word is ufed in Heb. r 1.22. Luke 9.31, Exod. t 9.1. In Hebrew, the booke is named of the hrl words,Elle fhemotb, that is Theft' are thenames. And here beginneth the thirteenth Se &ion, or Le&ure of the Law: fee Gen. 6. 9. Verfi.Now theft] Hebrew,And tbefe. This book is a continuance of theformer hiftory ofGenefss, therefore it beginneth with And, as coupled thereunto : fo likewife doe Motes his two text bookes. Sometime And is ufed in the beginning of a ftory, as Efth. 1. I. where it may in tranfla- ting be omitted; as is noted on Gen. 36.24. and fo theGreeke omitteth it here. Egypt] Hcbr. Mitfeaim; that is, the land of Mitfraim, the forane ofCham: See Gen. 1o. 6. and 12. 10. bouf] that is, houfbold, as the Ghaldce faith , the men of the houle. 3 Verl: 3. *char] heeis named in the fife place, becaufe hee was the fife of the fame mother Leah; though Iakb had other formes before him : fee Gen. 3 5. 23. Benjamin] hee, though yongeff, is let before the foure children of the bondwo- man. In the wall of the heavenly Ierufalem , the Iafperon which his name was graven, is the firít foundation, Revel. 21.19. Exod. 28.20. And in Deut.33. Mofes giveth Benjamin a bleffing, before his elder brother Iofiph. S Verf..5. feules] that is, perfons: and in Hebrew faule, put for foules: See Gen.1 2.5. thigh] loynes, or feed: See Gen. 46. 26. ferentie] the Greeke added, 75. and fo the holy Gholf in AA. 7. 14. the reafon whereof is noted on Gen. 46.2o. 27. And this (mall number when they came in, com- mendeth Gods bleffing in multiplying them fo greatly when they went out, Exod. 12.i7. Deut. 50.22. and Iefeph] that is, with Jofeph who was in. Egypt already, as theChaldee explained' it : wherefore the Greeke verfion putteth this claufe before theformer,to Thew Iofepb to be of the num- ber, he and his children : as Gen.46. 20.27. 6 Ver.6.brethren] who were carried out of Egypt, andburied in Sychem, in the land of Canaan, AA. 7. 16. generation] that is, the men of that gene- ration or age; both Ifraelites and Egyptians : fee Gen. 6. 9. Vert 7. increafed] or, bred- froifily,as the fillies. or 7 creeping things of the earth, which of this word have their name : fee Gen. r. 20. And this Was, when the time of the ppromife drew nigh, which God had (worm to Abraham, A&. 7.17. whereof fee Gen. z. 2. and 15.5. &c. mofe exceedingly] Hebrew, with vehemencie vehemende: as Gen. 7. 19. Mad 30.43. They became a nation, great , mighty and populous, Deut. 26.5. 8 VerIS. new] another King, faith the Greeke ver- lon ; which Stephen followeth, A& 7 18. knewnos] this word is ufed both for knowledge and underftanding with the mind, and for ac- knowledging and regard, with the affe &ions: both which might be in this King, Ecclef. z,1 g. Pfal, 31,8. Hof 2.8. The Chaldee expoundeth it thus, which confirmed not the decree of Jofeph. Ver. t o. with than] or again(l them,(as the Greek word, which alto Stephen nfech , in A &.7.19. plieth:) that is wifely keepethem sender. At this time, the formes of Ifrael began to corrupt their religion, and to commit whoredome with the I- dols of Egypt, for which God was angry with them, Ezek.23.8. & 20.5,7,8. Jof24.14. And he turned the heart of the Egyptians to hate hispeeple, to deale-craftily with his fervants, 105. 25. warre] orunderliand arcafrons ofwarre: the Greeke faitlt,rohen warre befalleth us. goe -up]to weet,in- to Canaan. Thus Satan fought to hinder the ful- filling of Gods pronlife Gen Verfr I. 7aslt,maflers:?] Hebrew ,Princes of tasks (or of tributes:) t at is, Commiffaries to exa& of Ifrael, tasks and fervileworks; as the Gr. tranfla- teth. Maff ers over world; the Chaldee calleth them Rulers evitii doers: So becaufe Ifrael fcrved not the Lord their God with gladneffe of heart, hemade them fern their cnenu es with much affli &ion, and put a yoke of yron upon their necke, as her threatned againcatter this, Deut.z8.47,48. And thus the oracle was fulfilled, Gen. t 5. t 3. trea- fnere cities] or cities of (lore, wherein, to lay up both the fruits of the earth, as 2 Chron.32.28. and o- therprovifion of armory and warlike furniture: wherefore the Greeke tranllateth,fortifedcities. Raamfes] this differeth in writing, from Ramefes fpoken of in Gen. 47. i t . & Exod. 12.37. the Je- rufalemy Thargum calleth it Philufn,(otherw ife named Pehefrnm) and the former Pithom, he calleth Tens (or Tanis.) Vert 1 z. as they] that is , the more they afluied them, the more they Multiplied. There is no wildome, pendencie or counfell againft the Lord, Prov.z 1. 3o. inereáfd] or fpred abroad: Hebrew, brake firth with hidden increale; fee Gen. 3o. 3o, 43. & 28. 14. The Greeke and Chaldee tranflate it, wexedfrong. This nsercie of God, David celebra- teth, laying, And bee increafed hit people mightily; and made themfironger then their difreffìrs, Pfalm. 105. 24. Verf. 13. rigour] or fereenefé (which Engiifh word commeth of the Hebrew Pherec:) theGreek tranllatethit, force ; the Ghaldee , hardnere. The Ifraelites were forbidden to rule after this man- ner, one over another, Lev. 25. 43,46. Hereupon Egypt is callcd,tbe hoof of eruants (or bondmen) Ex- od. 20. 2. and for the hardnelfa of the fervitude, an yron furnace,Deut.4.2 o.and becaufe king Pharaoh cauled this bondage, it is called the boufeof Pha- raoh, 1 Sam. 2. 27. Ver.' 4. litter]] in Greeke, forrowfdl. Verl. r5. Shiphrah] in Greeke, Seppbora! and the other, Pbova. There Creme to be chicle of the Midwives. The Thargum Jerufalemie maketh them to be Hebrew women of Levi , locbebed, and Miriam. Ver. t 6. f oolcs]a peculiar round feat for women in travel; theHebrew word is not ufed el (where, but in Jer. 18.3. for a whale or frame which pot- ters werke upon. The Greeke tranllateth not the word, bat the fenle, laying, and they be about to bring 10 II I2 13 14 15 16