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EXODUS lV.. 13 face of the Serpent, Revelations 12.14. Verf4. by the wile] which was dangerous to 4 doe , kit hee fhould be bitten thereby : howbeit Mores obeying in faith, had no hurt ; but the fer- pent was turned to a rodagaine: fo that miniltra- tion of Mores which turneth to the unbeleevers unto death , is to the obedient become an inftru- nient of guiding then, as a flock, unto life & hal vation by Ghrift,Mark.16.18. a. Cor.2.15.16. & 3.6.16. Gal. 3.24. The Hebrew Do&ors barely apply it to the prelim cafe thus : as the fir pent bi- tethattdWed, the formes of Adam , fo Pharaohand hi( people did bite atrdkT the Ifraelites : but he was turned and made hkee, a dry f(( icke. Pirkei. R. Eliezer, c.40. Verf. 5. Tbat:hey may] this fhewcth the end of tlíe former Cigna was to worke faith : and it isan unperfeft fpeech ; as if he fhould fay, Doe this be- fire them that they may beleeve. Such wants the holy Scripture often fupplieth, in the beginning or end of fpeeches: as in Mar.14.49.but that the firip- turesmightbe fulfilled: which another explai net h thus,b4 all this is done that the fcriptures of the Propheís might be (ullled; Matth. 26.56. So in 2. Sam.5.8. there words are wanting, Ise pall be chiefe and Cap- tain : which are afterwards fupplied in 1. Ghro. n 1.6. and fundry the like. See Exod.13.8. & 16. 8. and r8.i s. and 32.32. VerC.6. leprous as fnow] that is, white os fnow, as the Chaldee tranflateth. The leprofie was a fore contagious dilèafe, and by man incurable: and God laid it fometime fuddenly upon perlons, for their great finnes, as upon Mary the filter of Mofes, Numb. r 2.10. upon Gehazi, 2. King.5.27. and lepers were flint out of other mens company: See the law hereof, Levit. 13. And they that wehe thus leprous as fnow, were as dead, their flesh halfe confumed,Numb.12.10.12. 7 Verf.7. arbis flefh] that is, ruddy and lively : the Greeke tranflateth, into the caber of his flefb. A thing *lone in thebofome , lignilìeth fecrefie and ef- fetualneffe, Prov, z 1.14. PCa /m.79.12. So by this plague of leprofie on Mofes hand in his bofome, and healing it again; God feemeth to threaten unto Mofes himfelfe if he refufed, and to all that fhould difobey the word of the Lord by his mi- niftery,fudden,fecret,andterrible judgement;buc upon theirreturne unto him,to cure then;for he woundetb, and heakth, Deut.3 2.3 9. Compare Exod. 15.26. Dent. 28. 27.35. 59. 6,0.6 r. And Moles band, fignifieth his min/fiery unto the formes of If- rael, Pfalm.77.21. The Hebrew Do &ors apply it ,thus ; As the Leper is uneleane, and maketh (others) terse /cane : fo were Pharaoh and his people uneteane , and made Ifrael unleane. And when bee made (his hand) cleans again, he faid unto him, thus [ball Ifrael be dean- from the unclearmeffè of 'the Egyptians. Pirkei R. E- lime, ch. 4o. 8 Verf. 8. thevoice] or as the voice: which is hire given to the faene.(as in Gen.4. s o. it, is unto blood,) becaufe God by filch lignes fpeaketh unto, men : and annexetk his word with the figue, that it may be heard and nnderhlood j as verle 3o, Ezek. 1.29. Job 4.16. So David calleth them, the words of hie figner, Pral. 105.27. Ver.9.10 blood] This third figne,was for like end as the former; to fignifie unto Ifrael,if they belee- ved not, that God would bring upon them yet more bloody of iftions: and they beleeving bee would avenge them, on their enemies. Of the E- gyptians water turned into blood , fee after in Exodus 7. 19 &C. V.5 0.0b jin Gr.I pray theeLord: fee this word is after inv.13. man ofwords]t hat is, eloquent: fo a man of lips; that is,talka:ive, Job 11.2. a man ofarme, that is,migbty, Job.22.8. a man of tongue, that is,a prayerPf.14o.1z.The tranflatet h; I am not fufficinrt.So Paul faith,and who is frrfficient for theft things? 2 Cor.2.t6. from dales heretofore flab. fromyefterdoy,orfront the day before ; ufed for all dales paf: lee .:eí1.31.2. of an beavie]or,lxavie ofmouth; that is,flow,(or troubled)in fpeaking,& hard to be un- derltood of the hearers; as the latter of there two Ggnifieth,in Eze.3 .6. TheGr.tranflateth,efa fmall voice &ofaflow tongue : the Chaldee, fa heavie fpeech a ulofa deep tongue.T his (as other things in Alofes) may have reference to the effetof the law,which he adminiltred : as on the contrary, the Pfalmill prophefy i ng of Chrill, had his tourne the pen of a Jpeedy writer,Pfa.45.2.'and the Spirit,(whith is re- ceived,not by the works of Mofes Lam,but by the hearing offaith in Chrift, Gal. 3.2.) caufeth pro - phefie,and other wordsofwifdome and knowleclge,Aft. 2.18.1 Cor.1 a.8, t o. and cateferh the lips of thole that are afleepe, to fleake, Song. 7. 9. By the Hebrew Ca- nons, no Pried that ftammered, Iifped, or was of an heavie mouth or.tongue, might lift up his hands tobleffe the Mifn.treat.of Prayer, c. 15. f. i. See thenotes on Nuns.6.23. VerCr s.batb made] or,as the Greek tranflateth, hatbgiven (Hebr.put) the mouth to man? open -eyed] or, open -eared: for the Hebr. word fignifieth both there, Era. 42.7. ao. and may have reference here to both. The Greeke tranflateth, the Peeing. Corn= pare-Pfal.146.8. Efa.61.1. and 35. 5,6. Verfa 2. Will le] The Chaldee e>rpounds it,my word [hall be : the Greeke, brill open sly mouth. will teach] bymy fpirit, as Chris in likemanner promifeth his Apoftles, Matth.1o.19,2o. Mark. 13.15. Luke 12,11,12. Verf. 13. by the hand thoufhouldeJf] that is, by his hand(or miniftcry) whom thou fhouldelt fend,as being fitter than I : or, by the hand (of any other whom) /bon wilt fend. The Ghaldee, and Thar= gum Jerofalemic tranflate , by the band of him whom it is meet to fend : and the Greeke thus, ehoofe .ano- ther able man.whom thou wile fend. Mofes foreleeing the greatnelfe of the worke, would withdraw his (boulder, through infirmity : God htereby.fore -, (hewing the imperfeétion of Mofes adntiniltrati- on, and impotfibijity of the Law to bring men to perfe&ion,when Mofes could not bring Ifraelin- to thepromifed land; D.out.3.24,2 5,27,28,Ronn. 8.3. Heb.7.19. The baud of one, is uffally put fer his mist flerie: as Mofes now was Cent of God, Ly the bands of the Angell which appeared to him in the bulb 'Alb 7, 3'5 See Exodus 9. 35. Pfal. 77. 21. Hag. 1. 1. Mal. 1..1. Verf.i4. fpe.tking fpeake] that is, ffeak well & el o-: 14 B b quently. 9 IO II I2 I