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rllÏl111 U1YW'4// 16 Pharaoh refifieth.. % x o n r. I 2 3 4 This was another :humbltt. gefture, ufed in reve- rence and tha,ìhfgiving ; as,Gen.24.2 6. Exod. r 2. 27. r Chr9n.29.20. 2 Chron. 29.30. Nehem:8.6. There were allo two other gelisres of honour, kneeli» g 2 Chron.6.13. and.bending (or bowing) of the body, 2 Chi-0;1.29.2 9. and thefe three are all nfentioned 1, PI I.95:G:; Tsnfdiffered one from another.: the bending of the bead leaft;and it was the bowing.ddwne of the face onely.The ben - 'ding of the body, was when:the -whole body was .bent downward, the tace tolvards the knees. Kneeling, was upon the knees,a gefture commonly known. Bowing of themeIves(or worfbip) was with fallingdown upon their face on the ground, their hands and feet difplayed. Wherefore that which one Evanggelift calleth Worfhipping, Mat. 8.2. another calleth fulling on the face, Luke 5. I2. So the Hebrew.Canons alifa diltinguifh them,' laying ; The bending of the bo *ken of in anyplace, it towards the tines, (the bowing of all the joynts of the backbone , fo that hemaketh his body at a bow:), the bendingofthe head , it with the faci (or countenance) downward: the bowing of ones felfe (or worfhipping) is the difßlayingof bands and feet,. till bee be profirate with his face on the earth ; Maim. in Mifn.treat. of Prayer, c.5.f.I2,13. Here the.Ifraelites (hewed by- thefe gelb;res, their reverence to Gods word,and thankfidnelfe : the Hebrew DoEtors (as in the Zebarupon this place) fay , that the bending of tic head, with the face towards the ground, was for to efeape judgement: and the bowing of themfelves (or worfbip- ping) warfor to obtain, merde : and that the bending of the head, war before the worfhipping ; according to the my fferie of the Sin- offrirtg before the Burnt - ffrisag. The order of which facrifices may be feene in Exod. 29. 14,18. Levit.8.14.t8, and x4.19,20. and 15. 15. and 16. II, 15,24. tii7141Htinkittift12 CHAP. V. 1, Mofes and Aaron doing their meffage to Phara- oh, are refilled and rebuked. 5, The Ifraelites task, íncreafed. 14, Their officers beaten. 15, Their com- plaints checked. 19 , They Brie out upon Mofes and Aaron. 22, Mofes complaineth unto God. AND afterward, Mofes and Aaron went in, and faid unto Pharaoh; Thus faith Jehovah, the God of Ifrael, Send away my people, that they maykeepe a feaft unto me in the wilderneffe.And Pha- raoh faid , Who is Jehovah, that I fhould o- bey his voice, to fend away lfrael ,f I know not Jehovah , neither will I fend away Ifra- el. And theyfaid,The God of the Hebrews bath met with us : let us goe we pray thee, three claims journey into the wilderneffe,and facrificeunto Jehovah our God, left bee fall upon us with-peftilence, or with the fword. And the King of Egypt faid unto them; Wherefore doe ye Mofes and Aaron, caufe u s V. Ifrael more opprefled. the people to ceafe from their workes Get ye to your burthens. And Pharaoh faid; Be- hold, the people of the land now art many, and yee make them to ref} from their bur- awns. And Pharaoh commanded; in that day, the taskmafters of the people, 6.: their officers, faying, Ye fhall not any more give ftraw to the people, to make bricks,as here- tofore : let them goe and gather ftraw for themfelvs. And thetale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, you Thal lay uroi them ; you (hall not diminifh ought thereof; for they be idle, therefore they cry out,f<1y- ing,Let us goe and facrifice to our God. Let the work be made heavieupon the men, and let them labour therein , and let them not regard vaine lying words. And the taske- matters of the people went out,and their of- ficers,and faid unto the people;faying;Thus faith Pharaoh ,I will not give yon ftraw. Go ye,takc you flrawwhere you can find it: yet not ought of your work (ball be diminithed. And the people was fctttered abroad tho- rough all the land of Egypt, togather ftub- ble in (lead of ftraw. And the taskmafters hafted them , faying , fulfill your worker, every daies taske in his day , as when there was ftraw. And the officers of the Tonnes of Ifrael, which Pharaohs taskmafters had fet over them, were beaten, faying, Where- fore haveyee not fulfilled your appointed taske to make bricke, both yefterday and to day, as heretofore And the officers of the fonnes of Ifrael came, and cried out unto Pharaoh, faying, Wherefore doeft thou thus to thy fervants, There is no (craw given unto thy fervants, and they fay to us, make bricks: and behold ,thy fervants are beaten, and it ce the fin of thy people. And he Paid, ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore ye fay, let us goe,arid facrifice to Jehovah.Now there- fore, goe work, for (craw (hall not be given you, yet (hall ye deliver the tale of brickes. And the officers of the fonnes of Ifrael did fee them in evill, faying, Yee (hall not mi- nifh ought from your ,brickes , every dales taske in his day.And they lighted upon Mo- fes and Aaron, (landing to meet with them, as they came forth from Pharaoh. And they Paid unto them ; Jehovah Tooke upon you and judge, becaufe you have made our fa- vour to ( linke in the eies of Pharaoh, and in the eies of his fervants ; to give a fword in- to their hand, to flay us. And Mofes retur- ned unto Jehovah, and faid ; Lord; where- fore haft thou done evill to this people; where- s 6 7 8 9 10 II I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 4111/0117/,61107'ilh1 /Ill/ dR11111WII