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GENESIS II. II followeth in Revel. 2.7. raying, To him that over - comméth, I will give toeaseofthe tree ofli e, rrbi::h tt in the undo ofthe Readi le of Gsd The word midi!, of- ten fignifieth no more then within; as inGen .4t. 48. amidjl the fame City, that is, within the fame. S o,ìn ¡be » mtdit oftbornes, Luke 8.7. is, among, (or into the) t1 »ner,Mat.4.7. And the tree of knowledge is Paid alto to be in' the midi of the garden, that is, within it, Gen. 3. 3. the knowledge of gad and evil!:] fo nanied,becaule Gods law,which forbad man to eat of this tree,lliould teach what is good and evill ; be a rule of obedience, (hewing mans goodneffe and righteouCneffe if he did obey, (as Dent.6.25.)or his evill,if he did tranfgreffe : for the knowledge of iat, is by the Loe, Rorn.3.2o. Alt, kitowledge is ufed for fnfe, or experience, Gen. 1 2.12. Song 6.11.ECa.59.8;and fometime for mole here union and conjun&ion Gen. 4. 1. and this tree might fo have the name of the event; becaufe A- dam by eating of it,brought evil( into the world, was commingled and defiled with it,and felt the mifery of it in his owne confcienceand experi- ence, Gen.3. 6, 7. The Greeke tranflateth, a tree to know that Which may be lLnowne,ofgood and pill : and the Chaldee thus, a tree of whafe fruit they that ease, Thal! !vow the df .rence between good and evil. So In Tharguns lerufalemie likewife. s o Ver. r o.te water] From this river and the life of it in Paradife, the Scripture fpeaketh of sods fpirit, and graces in his Church : as, the pure river. oftbe water oflif, Revel. 22. 1. the river of God full of waters, Pfal, 65. r o. the river whole firearms ma/o6 glad the cityofGod, Pfal.46. 5. See John 7.38, 39. was to,] that is, became into foure heads, meaning foure beginnings of other rivers. I I Verf.! d 1. Piton:] or, as in the Greeke,Phifn : It is fo calle of the multitude or inneafe of waters. The Scripture elfewhere fpeaketh not of it. compaffetb :] This word Is fometime ufed for tur- ning and palling along by, though not round a- bout; as in Jof 15.3. and 16.6. where the Greeke tranflateth it,perieleufetaipaf by: and fo it may be taken here. Havilab :] in Greeke, Evilat. This was the name of two men, one the shone ofCufh, the fon of Cham, the fon of Noah, Gets. so. 7. the countrie where he dwelt,was called by his name, and that is it here mentioned, and after inGen. z 5.18.1 Sam.i 5.7. Another Havilah was the fon of Ioktan, the fon of Heber, of the race of Seni, fon of Noah, Gen. s 0.29. His countrie befell hint in the Eaß Indies. It 2.good ::] that is, fine, predate/10 in z Chro. 3.5. Bdeliuns :] the name ofatree,andofafweet gumme that runneth from it. The Hebrewasnte is Bedólaeh : and Come thinke it to be a kinde of Pearle: the Manna was like unto it, and the co- lour white, Num.! 1.7. Exo.16.31. Beryll:] a precious Bone , called in Hebrew Shoham : which the Greeke in Exo.28.2o. tranílateth,a Beryll; the Chaldee calleth it Bnrla,and the Arabick, al Be/or. On two of there (tones , the names of the twelve Tribes were graven, and born on the high Priefts (boulders, Exod.28.9,1 o. fee the notes there. 13 VerC13. Gibon.:] in Greek, Geoa : a river about the land of Cif. Thera Was afro another river Giban in Canaan neere Ierufalem, ,whereof fee 2 Chron.3z.30. Cup] the fonne ofCham, the Con of Noab,Gan. r o. 6. whole pofterity in there parts of the world, are called Æthiopianr: and fo the Greeke here tranflateth" Ethiopia. Verf. 14. Hiddekel :] The figniflcation of this word is of fharpner and light-net : for it was a fwift running river.The Greek tranflateth it Tigris,the Tigre, which is the name of a bealt very light of foot,as Plink (hcweih, in b.8. chap.I I. Tigris alit) in the Medes and Perfian tongue, fignifieth an ar- row, faith Pliiay, b. 6, ch. 27. and QCurtisse,b. 4. fpeakïng of this violent River. By it, Daniel law vhfions of God, Dan.I o.4. The Chaldeecalled, it liglat: whereupon the Latines alto named it Dig - latie; Plink in b.6. ch.27. Affyria:] in Hebrew, Af fur : he was the fetus of Sem,the fon of Noah,Gen. i o. 22. ofwhom, his country was called Affiria, famous through all the Scripture; which nfitally naniethcountries and polterities,by the names of the fir1t inhabitants andparents. See the notes on, and t9.37. isEuphrates:] is Pbrath ; which river the new Tefiament calleth Éttpbrates,Rev.9.I4. It hath the name of Encreafe: for the waters thereof waxe mighty, by fnow melting from the mounts of Armenia, and doe make the country fruitfull.This is called the great 'river, D :ut.1.7. and t 1.24. Rev.9.14. Vet-C.15. garden;] in Greeke, Paradife, to tills] or, dale: the Greeke faith , t'o labour it. The He- brew o &ors apply this ssyltically to Adams la- bour in,and keeping of Gods law: Pirko R,Eliezer ch.' 2. And that the morall law,and worke there - of,was written in his heart,is manifeft: feeing the fame yet remaineth in the corrupted hearts of men, Rom. 2.14,15..., Verl r 6. commanded:] Betides the law of nature, graven on Adams heart, wherby he was bound to love, honour and obey his Creator: God here giveth him (for a triall of his love) a fignificative law, concerning thing of it felfe indifferent,but at the pleafitre of God made unlawful( and evil( for man to doe ; that by obferving this outward rite, he might teltific his willing obedience unto the Lord. Sees Sam.' 5.22,23. eating thou maifi eat :] that is mai¡f (or fbalt) feelÿ ear : thus God firlt fheweth hislove and liberality, before Lee makes any reiraint. The doubling of words is often ufed in Scripture, for more earnefines and affurance, and in things to come, for to fhgnifie fpeedy performance, timers .32. Sometime God. altereth this manner of fpeakïng, into other the like; as z Kiug.I 4.I o.fmiting thou haft fmitten ; for which in 2 Chro.25.19. is written, Thou f if,Loe 'have fmitten. So, Building Ihavebuilded, I King. 8. 13. or, asin2 Chron.6, 2. And I, I baz e builded.' Sometime the doubling of the word is omitted; as, bath any delivering delivered? 2 King. 18.33. which another Prophet writeth chus, bath any de- livered? Efay 36.18. In tranllating alfo,God usèth fometimes the phrafewhich we follow hcre;as in Heb. 6 ,4. BlefttgI mill blef thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee: tranllated in Greeke from Gen. 14 IS 16