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GENESIS III. i7 it implyethChrifions (thechr7drenofChrilt,Hcb. fignëofcurfe upon them, Deur.21.23.ButChrill fmallozred up death in viilo.y, Efay z 5. 8. through whom,God alfogivethut the viEfory, t Cor. ,5.57. unto which promife the Prophet hatlt reference, Paying, Whyfho ;old I feare, in the clayey o('eaill: when the iniquity of my hales fhall compafe me about ? God will redeems my ftsle, from the handof Hell, Pualnt. 49.A Vert:1 ó.muhiplying 1will muhip f: ] that is,I will much and afiitredly multiply :fee this pharfè ope- ned , on Gen.2.16. Here are annexed not curfès,_ but challifements for Eve and Adam : that their faith in the promifed feed, utight continually be ltirred up, and their frnfrtll nature fitbdued -and mortilìed,Hebaz.6.Pf..119.7t. conception:]. meaning painful conception;and this word is u- fed for thewhole (pace that the child is in the mothers body, until the birth : and fo pjyethall the griefs and cumberances which wo- men do endure that time.The Greeke tranblateth itgroning: The reafon of this chat/ fement, is, be- caufe fin is from Adam derived by propagation to all his pofterity,Pl5 1.7. Rom.5. children:] Heb.fonnes : which implyeth daughters all(); there- fore the Greeke tranfl teth it children: fo for forme,/ and tonnes; the Holy Ghok faith in Gceek,chìldren, as in Mat.22.24.from Dent.25.5. Ga1.4.27.frorn Efay 54, e. By bringing fortb,is allò meant bringing up after the birth,as Gen.50.23.Vnto theforrows of childbirth,the Scripture oftenhath reference, in cafes of great affli&iion in body or mindyfal, 48.7. Mich.4.9,t o. 1 Theff:5.3. Ioh.1 6,zL.Rev. 12.2. Howbeit this chaftifenient hindreth not a womans falvation with God for nevert /,cliff f e (hall be fined in childbearing, if they [women] conti nrre in filth and love, and holinefe with fobriety : 1 Tins 2.15. defire:] TheGreektranilateth. it, thy turning, (or converfron:) the word implyeth a defarous aje (lion, as appeareth by Song.7.1 o.Aitd that this Mould be to her husband, it noteth fubje- &ion, as in Geu.4.7. Elfewhere this word is not tiled e the Apoffle tcemeth to have reference unto it, in t Theltz.8. rule :3 So Paul faith, I permit not the woman to ¡ofterpe authority over the man, 1 Tins.2.12. And Peter, Wives be in fiebje &fioi to your owne husbands, r Pet.3.t. And this being here a chaflilement for frnne, implyeth a further rule,then man had over her by crest ion,and with more griefe unto womankind. Verf..t 7. the ground: ] or, the earth: whereby is implyed all this vihbie world; made for man,Pf i 1 5.16.2 Pet.3.7. So all hope of bleffedneffe on earth, is hereby. cut off, for all things under the San, are vahity and vexation -of fpirit, from titans birth to his dying day, Ecele:iafles 1.2,3.14. aird ea. 7, 8. and an heavenly heritage is to be fought for, imntortall, and whirls fadeth not, 2 Peter 1.4. Of grosmd turfed, there follow- eth barrenneffe, or unprofitable Traits , and de- folation, Gencfis 4.12. and 3. t8. Efay 24 6. and the end is to be burned, flebrews 6.8. Só the carob, and the workes therein, foal! be burnt up, z Peter 3.10. And ás for mansfake this world is curfed, and the creature mock ferbjelï to vanity; C3 . fò 2.13) who refitting the Devil! ftedfaftly in faith, the God of peace bruite h Satan under their feet; e Pet.5.9. Rom. e6.zo. When promife is made concerning the feed, the faithful!parents are alto included,and fo on the contrary : as when Mores faith, brill multiply thy fed, Gen.22.177.Paul al- ledgeth it thus , Iwigmid iiply thee, Heb.6.e4.A- ggaine, where Mofcsftith, All families lull be bleffcd in thee, Gen.1 2.3. Peter alledgeth it, they fhall be bleffed in t/y feed,AEt.3.25.A1fp this word feed,is tiled either for a multítude,as Gen. t 5.5 .or for one particular perfon,asGen.21.13.and 4.2.5. fo here it meancth on fpeciall feed Chrifl , Gal.3. r6. This the ancient Hebrew Do &orsalfoac- knowledged, for in Thargum Ieaxfilemy, the fulfil- ling of this promife is exprcfly referred to the laf dayes,the dayes ofthc King Me f ias. And the Myflery oforiginal finne,and thereby deathover all,and of deliverance by Chrift,R.Menachemon Lev. 25. noteth from the profound Cabbalilts, in thee words ; So !angels the f iris oftmcleannef isnot talohn away out of the world, the foules that come dome into the morld , muff needs die , for to root out the power of emcleamzef e out of the world , and to confumé the fame. And all this le, becakfeof the decree which was decreed for the uncleattne and fl'thineje erhielt the Serpent brought upon Eve. And ofit be fo , all the leaks that are reated and become unclean by that flthinef3, muff needs die before the commin of the Mef at , &c. andat the commirtg of the Meff as, all holes 'hall be conftmmate thenceforth. bruit,] or, pierce, crnfh : the He- brew word is of rare use, emery lure, and in Boob 9.17. shithead: ] or, thee tu the head. Hereby is meant Satans overthrow & deftruftion in refpe& of his power andworkes, Ioh.12.3 t. t I011.3.8. for the head being bruifed,tfrength and life is pe- rifhed. So. inTharg. Ierulàlemyitisexpounded thus, The womms cht.'dren (hall be cured; but thou 0 Serpent, (halt not be cured. And he faith thee, (rather then thy fied,) becaufe Chrift was to vanquith that oldferpent,which overcame our first parents : who beingdeflroyed, his feed perils with him, Revel. 12.9. ío6.14.3 o.and 12.31.3 2. bird beele:] or, his footrile: for the Hebrew and Greeke here ufed, lignifie not onely the beck, but the whole footf;e, and fometime thefts:- fiefs, or print of the fot. By thebede, orfict bruited, is meant Chrills wayes, which Satan fhould feeke to-fuppreffe by aflli &i- ons,and death for our frnnes,here foretold;as ap- peareth by the reference which other Scriptures 1 make to this prophefie ,Pfal.56.7. and 89.5g.and 49.6.and 22.17. Hewas crucified through infirmity, andput to death concerning the flefi, but was picked by the fpirit,and livetb through the power ofGod, 2 Cor. 13.4. 1 Pet.3.18.and fo his foot not his head was brnifed by the Serpent. Who yet brought upon him a death that was fhamefull,and painful], and turfed, becanfe he was banged on a tree, Ga1.3.13. for it is probable, that partly in remembrance of this brit fits , by eating of the tree of knowledge, . (which tree was a figne of curfe and death if man traufgreffed :) Gods law after accounteth fuch as dy on a tree,to have in more fpeciall manner,the 56 17