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GSNFSIS tli. 9 fo long as he lived an exile here on earth,he might have continual) motives of repentance and htfmi- liation.The Hebrew phrafe, is at One ;meaneth,ie made, or become at one : as, thü ii Plàl.I a 8.23. the Evangelilt tranflateth, this it done, Matth,21.42. left be put :3 An unperfe& fpeech ; where we may understand by that which tolloweth, be muff be driven out , left he be put. &c. Such phrafes are ufitall, as Gen.38.1 r. and 42.4. Mat.25. 9. and eats and live : or, that be may ease and live. And is often ufed for That , and noteth the end and purpoCe of an a&:as here, fo in 2 Sam. 21.3.2 Kin. 3.11, Lama.' 9. Becaufe the tree of life, and the eating of it , was at fist a fagne of eternall life to man, if he had obeyed his creator, (as is notedon Gen.2.9.)it might not now in the juftice ofGod, be fe continued to man fallen into difobedience. Neither was the new covenant betweene God and man, of obedience againe by the workes of the Law, onto life : but offaith in Chrift the wo- mans feed, unto forgiveneffe of finnes, Gen.3. i5.2o.God therfore in driving the man from this tree,would drive him from all confidence in him - felfe and his owne workes, (and fo from abufe of this tree alto , which might turne to his further judgement,) that he might feeke the life in hea- ven, which it hid with Chriff in God, Col.3. x,2,31 who will give to fuch as by faith doe overcome the world, toeate of the tree of left, which ie its the milli ofthe Paradife of God, Rev.2.7. 23 V.23. to tdl: ]tillage, hath the name in Hebrew, of fervile morke, for all even Kings, are as feavants to the field, Eccle.5.8. And this hard labour, was a continual) remembrance of fin, and do (trine of humiliation and repentance.W hérefore God af- ter in the Law, freed every feventh (or Sabbath) yeare, from this tillage in his land , when they did all alike eat of that which grew of it owne accord, Levit.25.4.6. to remember their former eafe,loft by finne,but to be reftored fpiritually by Chrift, when he fhould preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord :Efay61.2.aCor.6.a. 24 Verf.24. drove out : ] or, expulfed,not to resume thither againe, but that he might feeke admiffion ihto the heavenly paradife, whereunto Chrift gi- veth entrance, Luke 23.43. minding himfelfean exile and pilgrime here one earth, 1 Pet.2, s r. 2 Cor.5.s.4 The Hebrewes may (in Brefith ketanna on this place,)Adam mar driven out or paradife to this world,but inthe world to come , be(ball not be diver out, The remembrance of this future mercy, was kept afterward among the Gentiles;for it is one of the Chaldean oracles, Seekeparadife, the glorious coun- try of the Jdttle. Cherubini :3 or Cherubs. Theft were living creatures with wings as may be ga- thered by comparing, Ezei.1.5 ,and 10.1.15. the figures of fuchwere wi bnght in the Tabernacle, Exod.z5.18.and 26 s.See the annotations there. Mofes here feenaeth to meant Angels, by this name: for they have appeared fometime with wings flying, Dan.9.21. and with fmord, 1 Chron. 21.16, and as fterie chariots, z ing.6.17. as here they have the g/1ame of afward, that is, aflaming fwore4 as the Greeke tranflateth it,) to keeps man out of paradife. Of Angels, fee the notes on Gen. 16.7.By theft alfo,God further might fignifie,the Angels or Minifters in his-fpirituall paradife the Church , and the fharpetwoedgedfwordofhjs Word, wherewith they are argued, againik all the difobedient, 2 Cor. s 0.4,5,6. But the twelve An- gels at the twelve gates of that paradife, dire& from all quarters of the world,to enter thereinto by the gates which are never fhut, fuch as are written in the lambs booke of life; where the tree of life groweth and giveth fruit , wherein they have right,that doe thecommandements of God, Hev.2 i, i z. 25.27. and 22. 2.14. turned it fe f : ] to wet, every ivay,for more terrour, that manfhould not there attempt re- entrance. Such fpiritually is the ufe of the Law and do (trine thereof, which terrifieth the confcience , and by the works wherof,no flefh can be juftified,Rom.3, zo. ho,t it fervnth to drive men unto Chrift, that they may be made righteous by faith, Ga1.3.24 The ancient Iews had an expe&ation of recovery of this loffe by Chrift,though now they are igno- rant of him : for they write of feven things which the I ing Cbràft fhall fbew ;into Ifrael ; fWOgf which are,tbegarden ofEden;and the tree of life. R.Elias ben Mofas, isSepher refhith choemah,fol.4.r2. Alto . expounding that in Song.i.4.tbe King bath brought me into hit chambers : Our Doefors of bled memory, bave fayd , that theft are the chambers of the garden of Eden. And againe There are alfi that fay of tbé tree of lift that is was not created in vain but the men of the refurreélion (that are railed from the dead) (hall sate thereof and live for ever R. Menachem, on Gen.3. And by the garden of Eden, (or Paradife,) it feemes they underftood the kingdome of hea- ven : for the Chaldee paraphraft on Song 4.52 faith , as the garden of Eden, into which no man bath power to enter, but the jilt; whofe fouler are fent thither by the hands of Angels. According to theft fpeeches, familiar in olde time among the Iewes, the Holy Ghoftalto fpeaketh, of carriage by Angels, into A- brahams bofome, Luke 16.22. of-being with Chrift in paradife, Luke 23,43,andofeatingefthe tree eflif which is in the midlf oftbeparadife ofGod Rev.2.7.And that the levees underftood not thefe things carnally, appearerh by thefe words of theirs.In the world to come,there it no eating or drin- Fpng , nor any other of the things which the bodies of the former of Adam, haze neede of in thisworld ; as fitting, and ftanding,and fleepe,and death,and freow,and mirth, and the like : So our ancient wife men haze fayd In the world to come there is no eating nor drink g ; nor ufe of mariage, but the julf doe fit with their erownes upon their beads, and haze the fruition of the glory of the Majoffie of God. Maimony in Mifn. treat. of Repentance, ch.8,S.2. AMA,WAIAAMAAAIMAAAM CHAP, III1. 1, The birth , trade, and rebgicn ofKaire and A- bel. 8. Koine killeth Abel. 9 fir it he is examinedof God , 51. and curled: '13. he defaireth. 16. and departeth