Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

f.6a iiiwrs:;_; _w u¢aniai i .dr The Summe of LEVITICvs. His third Booke ofMoles,containeth the Law ofSacrifices,and rites con- cerning them : ofSacrificers,and their holy miniflration in the San tuary: of the peoples fanétification,from all outward and inward pollutions : of religious alitions to be done by the body of the Church and all the members thereof,publikely and priratly : ofthe place where,and times when Gods wor- fhip was chiefly to be performed : with a confirmation of the whole Law, by promues and threatnings. All which God (fpeaking out of the Tabernacle in the wildernefle) declared unto Ifrael by the hand of Mofes, in the firft moneth of the fecond yeere, after their deliverance out of the land of Egypt : which was in the yeere from the creation of the World, 2 5 it 4. More particularly. GOD teacheth 1 f rael hoir to facrifice theirBurnt- ofrings. Chap.' The Meat- ofring offlovre,cakes, cvafers,and frft fruits. 2 The Sacrifice of Peace- ofrings, of the herdor flocke. 3 Sin of (rings, for the Prieft, Congrega- tion,Ruler,andprivate man. 4 Tref dfe- ofrings offundryforts, for fundrie finites. 5 Laves more particularly touching the former facrifices. 6 Laves touching the Tre f f ars ofring ; and Peace - ofrings : Fat and blood. 7 Theconfecration of Aaron and his foes, to the `Priefthood. 8 Aaron firft ofrings for himfelfe and thepeople, confumed by fire. 9 ..garons f ons tranfgre fs, and areflaine of God. Lawesfor the Priefts. 1 o The Lavfor clean and unclean beafts, foules , fifhes,&c. 11 Ofa-womans purification after child- birth. 12 Ofdifcerning Leprofie andjudging it, in men and ingarments. i; Ofcleanfing Lepers that arehealed.Of Ofthe uncleane by running i fues , and their purification. 1 ç Of the high Prieftsfernice on Atone- ment day, to cleanfe the Santluary,and re- concile the Church unto God once in the yeere. i6 The place offacrificing. Againft eating blood, torne things &c. 17 Againfl unlawful! copulations, idola- trie,and heatlrenifh cuflomes. 18 Sundry lames for holine fe and righted oufnes,and againf l fins. 19 Punifhment:rfbr idolaters,fornicators, and other the like. 20 Speciaq holinefs andpe,fetlaon, requis red in the Pi fells. 21 Yncleáne priefls may not mtnifter. Sa- crifices muff be unblernifbed. 22 Thefolemne feafis at certaine times of of the yeere. 23 Prolnfion for Lamp oile; and Shew- bread.lblafphemer ù floned. 24 Ofthe feventh (or Sabbath)yeere,and Iubìle:with their rites. 25 Promifes and threatnings, to confirme the Law of God. 26 ,A law concerning Yowes , devoted Leprofte in houfes. 14 tbings,and tithes: 27 Ye (hall be holy ; for I Jéhovah yotieGtid am holy. Lt ,.t 9.1.