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9 GENESIS W. 23 Verse 9. Where it Abel? ] Here God fheweth hintfelfe to be the -out of bloods, Pfal.9.13. S) Zacharie when he Was murthered, faid,The Lord look upon it and, quire it , 2Chron.24.. zz. Hereupon thefe two martyrs are mentioned by our Saviour , ( whofe bloods with all the reft,) (horrid come upon the Iewes,Mat.233 5.3 6. Verf io. bloods : ] This word in the plurali i o number, ufitally fignitieth múrther, and the guilt following it : and tùchas gave themfelves to this finne, are called men of bloods, PCal.5.7. Sometinté bloods meaneth mans natural] generatión, Ioh.i. 13.To this latter the ChaldeeParaphrafes have reference , tranllatingit, The voice of the bloods áf the generations, (the multitudes of jufi men, ) which should have proceeded from thy brother. cry] or are crying. This word hath reference in number, to the bloods fore-mentioned;as if many were spilt and cryed. From hence the Apoltle noteth the ef- feít of Abels fait!, how by it, being dead be yet fpe a- 1Ztb, Heb,r t.4. This crying, was unto God for vengeance : wherefore Chriffs blood is preferred before this, asfpeaking better things tbenAbel, Heb. 12.z4.Compare alto Eiev.ó,t o.In this first death which fell out in theworld, God manifested the immortality of mans fosle,the forgiveness: oflins to the faithful', with the contrary concerning hypocrites ; and the refurne&ion of the body : as Chrift gathereth from another like Scripture, Math.22.3 r,3 2. 21 Verf.11. Curfed] As Gods bleing implyeth a- mong ether good things , the light ofbitface, and favour towards men, PIà1:67.z. fo his curfe bring- eth with other evils, the hiding of his face, and withdrawing of his favor; as Kain after complai- neth,v. t 4. By this fentence Kain is cat', out from Gods pretence and Church,and is the firft curled man in the world. I2 Verf. I2. not henceforth] Hebr. not add: toyeeld: that is , wt yeeld any more her' rengtb, meaning the naturali fruit which otherwitc, through Gods biding it could, Ioel2.22. Foras the curled fig.. tree, loft the vigour, and withered : Mark., i .z 1. fo the fruitful' land is made barren, when it is curled for the fin of the inhabitants, LCV.2 9.20. Prat., 07.34. Here the former curie laid upon the earth;Gen.3.i7. is increafed for Kains Idee; and the def',ru &ion of the world haftened : fee Gen.5. 29. A contrary bleffiug is ppromised to them that feare the Lord, Lev. z 6.4.Ezek.3 4.26,27. fugitive] or wanderer: a curie which David wished to his enemies,Pfa1.59.1 z. and 109.10. contrary to the fafe and fetled estate of Gods people; Pfal. 1In.6.7.Mic.4.4.The word is sometime aced for the fearful' moving of the heart,as inEláy 7.2\Co the Greek: here tranflateth, Sighing and trembling /halt that bee on the earth. I Verf., iniquity] or, .my pinny/smolt fir itriqui- t, t fee the annotations on verf.7.and Gen. s 9.15. then may be forgiven] or, then thou mayeft orgive. Or,referring it to the pun ifhment, greater then lean beare. In this feule, Kain murmureth a- gainft Gods justice : in the former, he defpaireth of his mercie.So the Greek: tranflateth, my fault it greater then may be frgiieit me: and the Chaldee paraphrase maketh the fameexpoution. Here in Kain is fulfilled that faying, bee beleevetñ not tore- turne out of darkereei and bee it waited for of the favors!: Iob 1 5.22. And in him may bee feene fe- venabhominations, (Co many as are in the heart, Of him that hateth his brother, Pro,26.25.) for, firft,he sacrificed without faith;fècondly,was dii pleafed that God refpefted hint not; thirdly, hearkned not to Gods admonition;forthly,tpake dilfemblingly to his brother; fiftly,killed him in the field; fixtly, denyed that he knewwhere he was;feventhly,asketh not, nor hopeth for mercy ofGod, but defpaireth, and fo falleth into the condemnation of the Devil'. Verft4.fhafllbe hid] or, beabfem: asGen.3r. 49.This meaneth a fearefull banithment from the face or pretence of God in his Church ; as after fo!loweth in to which, is the ap- pearing before Gods fate,in the place of his pub - lique worship, Exod 23.17. Pú1.42.3 Iob pro - felfeth his faith in this retpeft, oppolite to Kains defpaire, Iob s 3.20. &c. wh, oeaer : ] or, eùe- ryone that fmdeth (or meeteth)me. This the weth his terrourin confcieuce, fearing just recompence, and fleeing where none dotó parfto : as Lev.26 57. 36.Iobs5.20,21.Prov.28.l. Amongft the and- ent Romans,when a man was curled for anywic- ked faêt,whofoever wottid,might freely kill him: Diazyf. Halicarnaff:1.2 And of old , among the Galles (or French-men) such as obeyed not their Priefts the Druydes, were forbidden the facrifices, (their divine worship : ) and thofe fo forbidden, were reputed amongft the moltwicked all men shunned them, and would not converfe or tñlke witlf them, fearing to bee defiled even by light communication with them,no benefit oflaw was allowed them, nor any honour done unto them Cep Comment.debello Gall. ! 6. A like fevere cen- fure was alto among the Greeks,as K Oedipus His words4hew,in Sopbocler, in Oedip. Tyr. Verf. 15. févenfold.] that is, he (hall have much greater punishment : for feeven, meaneth mach, or many : Prov. 26. 25. Job 5.19. Píá1. 12.7. The Chaldee here underftands it ofpunifhruent to the feventh generation. Hereby God repréffed further bloodshed, which men else might rufh into for Toone after the Earth was filled with violence, Gen. 6. r I,He let Kain live mifèrably,for a warning to others, as David (having reference hereto) faith, Slay them tot, left my people forget : mat them wander abrohd(as fitgitives)by thy power: Píá1.59. t 2. Thus alto he provided for the uicreafe of the world at the beginning: wherefore Kainspofferity is after reckoned, to the seventh generation, upon Kain:] or,unto Knis,to fecure him from his fear:. Vpon him, to keepe others fromkilling him : as in another cafe, in Ezek. 9. 4. 5. 6. they that had Gods marke fet upon them, were not thine. left any :] or, that nrn*ny. ,flay: .1or finite , that is, kill him. The fall 1peech so to fmite him in fule,as Gen.37.2 t. and where one Prophet faith, be fringe, 2. King. 14. 5. another expounds it, bee b`l'ed: 2 Chron.25.3. Vérf.rb, 14 15