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GENESI word is an ufed in Deutcr.1 i.G and Job 22.20. 6, Verf. 6. 6óo. yeere old] Hebr. afin of600.yeeres; that is, going in his 600.yeere. See Gen.5.3 z.and hereafter in verf. t 1. waters] or, as the Greeke lath, the Floodofwater. Verf. 7. his fins wives] Thus but a few that ir, eight fouks mar faved by water : as the Apo, l}le ob- ferveth, 1 Pet. 3.2o.. And here again, Noes rare faith and obedience is let torch, Heba 1.7. be- eaufe] or, fit fears of: r,-l: br. from theface. 9 Vert 9. and tin] that is, by times: as ver.2. 1 o VerC 10. at the feventh] or, as the Greeke faith, rifler f ven daies : fee before veri 4. 7.1 VerC. it. the boo. yeere] or , In the óoo.yeeres; that is , while Noe mar living, in the boo.yeereofhis life:whichwas from the creation oftheworld the 1 656. ÿeere, and this was the beginning of that yeere of his life, for he continued a yeere in the Arke, Gen. 8. 13. and lived 350. yeere after the flood, and died 95o. yeere old, Gen. 28, 29. the fund meneth] to weer, ofthe 'cue : agreeable r i part to'that we now call Otlaber : for'the end, and revolution of theyeere, was about the month which we call September,Exod. 23.16. and 34.22. and fo' the new yeere then began : this was after, called the m9neth of Etbanim, i King. 8. 2. where the Chaldee paraphrafeth, that they called it f old, the :peg month, but now (frith he) it is the feveàth monetb. For the yeere changed the beginning of it Eccle- fialfically, upon the conning of Ifeacl out of.tE- gypt: feeExod, 12.2. and Lev. 23.39. compared with Exod.z3.16. Some take it here to be meant of the fecond moueth,according to theJews Ec- clefiallicall account, that is, April. of the great deepe,] that is, ofthe waters, which had by the pro- vidence of God beene put into treafriries (or dore -houles) under the earth, Job 28.4,10. P1a1. 33.7. Deist. 8.7. As alto of the Ocean fea, which rometimcis called the Deepe, Job38. 16.30. and 41. 3 t. Plal. 106.9. the windows] or flukes, flood-gates of heaven : that is, of the gyre; as is noted on Gen 1.7.So in Elay 24.18. This denoteth the extraordinary violent falling of the waters from above; as the former did their fpringingup from beneath. Hereupon waters, deeper, floods, and the like, are tiled for great atfli &ions, whereby the life is iüdangered,Pfal.69.2,3,15,16,_ 12 kIerlt2. the raine]orflooeeer, that is> vehement raise. After this manner the Ifraelites were bapti- fed in the cloudand lea; when the clouds dream- ed dowse waters, r Cor.10.1,2. Pfal. 77.8. Exo. 13.24,25. And now was Noe laved in theArke in themid fl of the water ; and was fpiritually bap- tized into Ch rifts death by faith, t Pet,3, 20,21. Hebrewes s I. 7. 13 VerC 13. In this flip fame] Hebr. In the flreneh (or body) ofthis 619.. So Gen. 17.23. Levit. 23. 14. Joni. to. 27. VerC 04. every betfl] that is fame of every fort, trod of the nncleane ; as before, ver. 2. every teing] that is, rrleveryfort; for Ionic are winged with feathers, others with skin, as Bats. There- fore the Greeke tranflateth here , as before, aceor- din, to hit kind. S V11. 35 Verf r 5. went in] of their owns accord,niiracu- i 15 loufly , God fo moving them: that they feenied beforehand to know the wrath dl G O D that Ihonid conte on the world. Verf. 16. flout him in] or, flout (the doore) upon him, or after him :' the Greeke faith Jinn the Ark to the outfadeofhim. And this was to keepe him fafe, and(as the Chaldee tranflateth) proteil him,from the violence of the rain: alto that no other fhould come in:for fo the like 1peech feemeth to import, in z King4.4,5 The record of this grace of Noe, is found in fundry heathen writers; they fay,Deu- calion(when waters drowned all the reft)was with his wife preferved in a Chip or rake; Ovid. Meta - morph. 1. r. Lucian. de Dea Sy: i, -. Noe was of the Greekes called Deucalion, (as Iuflin Mares Apol. r. teftifieth) and the name implieth fo much, it be- ing made of the wet and ofthe fea. Verl17. 4o.daies] that is, large daies,compre- 17 hending nights alto in ver.4. and fo the Greek ex- preffeth it,fir:y daies,andforty nights. See the notes ofP}en.r.5. from] or from upon: bur the Greeke faith , from the éartb e and the Hebrew Meghnal, from upon, is fometime only front: as Exod.i 0.28. Therefore that which in 2 Chro.33.8, is written Pinup,: the Land, in z King. 2 t.. is but from the land. So, frog, by me, Gen.13.9. VerC18. ment upon thefaee ] that is,as the Greeke 18 tranflateth, mar caned upon the waters : fo /hips are faid to got (or wafer) Pial. x04.26. Thus Noe in the Ark efcaped the waters of Gods wrath,wher- in the world perifhed : as Ifrael after this, paffed fate through thewaters of the fea, Wherein the /Egyptians were drowned, Exod.1.4. Hebr. r 1.29. Noe was baptized into Chriffs death, and buried, tin the Arke) with hint into his death,but railed up againe with hin, alfo,God givetli him vi&tory through faith in Chrid,Itom 6.3,4.IPet.3.zo,21 Verf. 19. moll exceedingly] or, moll vehemently : the Hebrew phrafé (as alto the Greeke) doubleth the word, vehemently vehemently. So Gen. t9.'2. and 30.43. and often. Verf. 20. Fifieen cubits] that is 2 2. foot anaan 20 /mile. God weigheththe waters by meafrrre, Job 28.25. prevails] that is, as the Greeke explaineth, mere lifed up , higher then all the. mountaines : To this lob hath reference, laying, He feenderb out (the waters) and they overturve the earth, Job 12.15. this judgment was admirable, feeing there are noun- taines, as Atlas , Olympus, Caueafue, Arbor, and 00 Cher fuch,that are fò high,as their tops are above the clouds, and winds ; as Hilloriographers doe report. And the mountaines of Ararat fo high , that the Arkereffedupon them long before the face of the earth was difcovered, Gen.8, 4,5. Ste. VerC 21. every man] the flood came and di:11,7 rd 21 them all, Luke 17. 27. they were wrinkled lefore their time; a flood was pointed upon their foundations, Job 22. 16. Verf. 23. Noe only] or, but Noe. To this the Scripture after bath refereuce,Ezek.14.14. :bough Noe, Daniel, and Job were among thew they /bmuld de- liver but ownefules. So,afew were fved, i Pet. 3.2o.and 2.5. And heathen dories give tetimony unto 16 19 23