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-Ii///iI/f'IlGlftr\\, l whtÌU/'/% C-lGNESIS pelf-ton there were feventy nations, with feventy tiutdry languages, R. Menachem, on Gen 1. 10 Vcrt :ic.dd] Hebr. fm, and fo in the rclt that follow. See the notes en Gen.53 z, and compare this genealogy with that there. Ten Patriarchs, are there rcckoed from Adam to Noe; and ten here from Sem to Abraham : both of them pro - ceeding with the lynage of our Lord Chrift,who caste of all there fathers according to the flelh, Lnk.3.There each fathers generation is fet down' in three verles here but in two : and their death is not fpoken of: Howbeit the lives of men , are now fhortned to the halfe. Vert r r.5 ooyeere] By this wemay gather,that Sem lived till Ifaak Ibis of Abram was fiftyyeers cld,and làty ten generations after him before hee dyed.A ungular Melting both to hint and them. I Z Verf t z.begat Salah] or,Shelacle : and as the ho- ly Ghoft counted the time of Arphaxads birth, repay, Brea after the flood; v. i o. fo may we gather it for all the ref/ : as Sala was borne 37 yeeres after the flood and after the creatión of the world, 1693. The Greeke tranflation inferteth here , a man which never was,by the Hebrew verity,lày- ing that Aepbaxad begat ICainan: and that Raman lined 13 oyeeres,and begat Sala.Alfo the time of each fathers procreation, is for the moil part changed in the Grecke. This feemeth to be done purpofc- ly: that the true genealogy might not be knowne to the heathen, for whom the Grecke Bible was fiat tranflated. And becaufe in all Greeke Bibles Kainan was fet dowse: the Evangelitt alto, (to beare with the worlds weaknelfe, or for other caufes Teeming good to the Spirit of God, reck- neth Kainan between A, phaxad and Sala,in Luk. 3.36Btx neither here, nor in i Chro.1 mot in a- ny Hebrew text, in his name recorded. See a like thing in Gcn.46.20. 14 Vert, 4.begat Heber] after the flood,67 yeeres, in the yeere of the world 1723. 16 Verf. i 6. begat Phaleg] òr, Peleg : after the flood tot yeare,and of the of the world,' 757. Ver. i 7.43 oyeerr] So Heber lived till Ahabram 17 was dead, Gen.c 5 7. and was the longcft liver of all that were borne after the flood; and they that came after hini,líved not paft hat le his dayes. g Vertl8.begat Ragas] or Rehm: after the flood 131 ycarc,andof the world,1787, 8 20 Verf. nt Sarueh] or Serug: after the flood 163 yeare,andof the world,1819, 22 Verf22.thirtyyeere] at the fame age,Phaleg and Salah, are before noted to have begotten their Tonnes. begat Nachur] after the flood 193. and of the world 1849. Vcrfn4.legat T harah] or Ïerach:afterthe flood 2 2.2yeare,and of the world,, 878. 26 Verf.z6, begat Abram,Nachor, and Harem] that is,began it beget: and to begat one of there rhrce(to weet Baran) not all in the fame yeere: The like was before in Noes begetting Sent, Cham, and Iapheth, Gen.5.32. where Sent for dignity was named firlt,as Abram is here ; and Iapheth the el- deft,lalt,as Haran is here. For Tharah the father, dyed 2,25 yeeres old, verf.3 z. then Abram depar- 24 ted from Charran,7 5 yeere o1d,Gen.I 2.4. wher- fore Abram was bot ne, not when Tharah was 70 but when he was 13o yeere old, which was after the flood, 35 z yeere,and of the world 2008. Vert28. land of his nativity] that is , hit native country : or, as the Greeke faith, wheoein hee mat bonne. Vr of the Chalekes] that is, Vr in the land of the Chuldeane;which land Stephen calleth alto Mefpetamia, Aft.7.z.4, for it lay between two rivers. And Chaldea is by humane writers allo called Mefopotamia, P!in.hifl.b.6.cz7, Vr fig- nifieth Light and Fire: here the Chaldee para- phrall taketh it to be the name ofa Citie,but the Grecke tranfateth it a Country: and Stephen in Aft.7.4. faith, the land of the Cbaldean.r. And the Chaldces being idolatcrs,in likelihood conlecra- ted and named this place unto and of the Fire, which they had feene to cone downe from hea- ven upon the Fathers facrifices, (as is noted on Gen 4.4.) and whereof they were wont to light lamps for to keepe the fire,whichthereupon they called Orlin afda, lights or grace. So other heathens after uicd to honour fire, as i. Curtiuu, b.4. faith of Darius that he called upon the facredand eternal' Fire.Orit might be a place of facrificing in Chal- dea, as God had Isis Vr (that is, Fire) in Sion, and Furnace in Iesufalem, Efay 31.9. So the Ierulalemy paraphrall talleth it here,the fieryfo,naee f the Chal- deer. ChaIr/eec] or Chaldeaw s called ìn Hebrew Cbafdim, and funned into i. maketh Cbaldim: the holy Ghoul inGreeke(whom wee follow) calleth it to, CbaeS-es, Aft.7.4. And becaufe they much uled Aitrology,thcrefore in time it was common for Allrologers to be called Chaldean, as in Dan. 2.2,4,5. Verf.29 SuraiJlhe was daughter of Abrams fa- 29 ther, though not of his mother, Gen.zo.ta.her name was changed to Sarah,as Abram alfe was na- med Al.raham : fee Gen. 7.15.5, daughter of Haca,:] by this alto it a¡'peareth, that Baran was eldeit of the untie brethren. And this Mikah (or SYlefha, as theGreeke writeth her) was grand- mother to Rebecca, If eke Ifeba,] in Greke If ha; the Iewes thinke this was Sarai, and that the had two liantes : and was faid to be daughter of Tharah, Gen.2o.12. as being his grandchild. Vert 31. Tharah took Abraham,] Itappeareth 31 by Iota 4. z.that thee fathers were fallen to ido- latry,and ferved other gods in Chaldea or iflefepota- mia: and there the Cod of glory appeared to Abram, -and ftid, Come then firth from thy land, and from thy bfnred: and come into the land n-hick I will flew thee, AEl.7.2,3. whereas therefore Tharah here toolte Abram, lac. it feemeth Abram acquainted his father with this oracle of God, and that Tharah repenting, contented alto to goe ouyand is for it made as principal) in the journey, with them] that is, withTharab and Abram , whom Mofes by this word them,implyetlito be author under God of this retuovall towards Canaan, agreeable to Stephens narration, Aft.7: as is before noted. Wherfore alto in Geni 5.7.& Neh.9.7. it is ma- uifeited that the calling was fiecially of Abram. And 28 l Pr /U/®lmug