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Abram giveth tythe. GENESIS X! V. 55 fiance: and alto brought- againe his brother Lot, and his fubllance; and the womenallo, 1 7 and the people. And the King of Sodom went out to meet him; after his return from ' fniting Chedor- laomer,and the kings which 1, were with him , unto the valley of Shaveh, 18 that ra the valley of the King. And Melchi- fedek king of Salem ; brought-forth bread and wine: and he a Prieft of God molt -high. 1g And he bleffed him, and Paid; Blelfed be A- bram,of God mofl-hie; polfeffor of heavens zo and earth. And bleffed be God moll -hie; who hath delivered thy enemies into thy 21 hand : and he gave him the tenth of all. And the King of Sodom Paid unto Abram; Give me the foules , and the fubtlance take thou. 22 And Abram laid unto the King of Sodom; I have lift-up my hand unto Jehovah , God rnoft- hie;the pouefforof heavens and earth. 2 3 If (i take) from a threed even to a Ihoe !ar- cher, and if! take of any thing that is thine: that thou fay not, I havemade Abram rich. 24 Save onely that which the yon men have eaten, and the portion of the men which wentwith me : Aner, Elhcol and Matutee; let them take their portion. -Annetations TN the ¿aies]the Greeke faith , in the reigne. of J. Shinar]that is,Cbaldea: or (as the Chaldee tur- y neth it) Babylon: fee Gen. 10. t O. Thargtmt Ierufa- kmie interpreteth it, Portas. Ella ar] this is thought to be Syria. Chedor- laomer_ written in Greeke, Chadollogomer. Elam] that is, the Eta- mites or Porfiant, named of Elam form of Sem Gen. to. 22. T'tidal]orTliid{nal; which the Greek writeth T hargal. d changed into r: fee Gen. lo. 3. of nations] Hebr. Goiim, which may be kept unchanged: but the Greeke and Chaldee tranllate it nations, or peoples. it feemech they . were of frrndry families,or populouk: as Galilee of the nations, Ely 9.1. Their country it thought ed be after named Pamphylia. 2 Verf. a. Zebejin] in Greeke Seboeim : it is writ- ten by the letters in the line,Zehiim,ofZebi,which fignifiethgbrie, phafantneç, and a Roe ; by which name, the pleafant and glorious land of If set is called, in but by the vowels,and in the margine noted to be read Zehojim, as being un- worthy the pleafant name.Sa inverf.. that is Zoar] or Zogar, fo called after, upon Lotr reque(t, Gen. 19.20,2 a. Thefe five Cities [food here to- gether in the land of Canaan, in the plain of Is, dan, and were all (except Zoar) burned with are and brimfone from heaven, Gen.' 9.Denr.29,23.. Here they are fore-chaftned ofGod by wars. fea offalt] or fall tea: fo Tor.. 3. r 6. meaning, that this goodly valley, after it was burnt from hea- ven,became a fall fea; and fo barren and fruitleffe, that no living thing, fitii or other, was found therein.For fo all hi(iories tekifie of that fah and dead fa,às it was a1(ò called. And the holy Scrip- ture ulèth faltneffè for barreneSe Deuteron. 29.23. Plain,. 107.34. This judgement of God brought upon ono of the goodlieft places in all Canaan; fsgnifying,how that land and inhabitants (hould for their Mines be deprived , and made barren of all fpirituall graces. But by the Gofpel and fpi- rit of Chri(t, graces are reftored : as was figured in a vifion of waters i(fuing out of Gods houfe, running into this tea, healing the waters of it, !taring it with live fi(hes, &c. Eeekiel 47. r. 2,9, It. Vert 4. frvedChedowlaorper] herein God (hew- ed the truth of Noes prophefie, that Canaan (hould be Semi frvant, Gen. 9. a6. Chedor- !gamer of Sems progenie, was chicle of all thelé Kings, and lord of the Canaanite,. Vert. 5. moie] that is y killed: fee verf. x7. Repbaines for Rapheanr, called of the Greeke and Chaldee paraphrafi,Giantr :and the Hebrew word is after ulèd for fuch , Deut.2. 11. and Raphawas the name ofa Giant that had'foure formes Giants, in Davidr dales, a Sam. 21.16, 22. But there Re. ?bairns were now a people ih Canaan, .men. t 5. a o. Afhteroth] a Citie of Bafan,where Og after reigning, Jofis 3.3 t. Zuzimr]theic the Greeks call, flrang nations, and the Chaldee, Nighties. Of them we reade not elfwhere: unlefe their name was after changed by the Ammonites into Imo zummims, Daut. 2.20. Emitas] or according the Gr. Ommeans , there the Chaldee calleth Ter- eible ones: and fo the Hebr. name (ignifieth. They were a people great and many and tall ar the s, accounted Giants; and by the Moabite,' were ca led (Terrible) Embus, Deut. 2. 10,1 1. Shaveh] or, the plain (as the word lignifieth) of Kirjatbaim, which was a citie in the land of Sihon,afterwards King of Hesbsn; fee Jof. 13.19., Ver.6.Chrrites] orCborreanr ,or Chorims, a peo- 6 plc that dwelt in Seir,till Efate and his Cons drove them thence, Daut. 2.22. Gen. 36.20. &c. El- pharan] by interpretation, the Ok(or plain) of Pbaran, (or Paran;) which was a Citie by the wit- dernelfe of that name; fee Gen.21.21; Ver.7.En- mijhpat] that is by interpretation,the Well of judgement ; and fo the Greeke here calleth it ; the Chaldee nameth it, the plains of the divifrors of judgement. So called, as it feemech, of Gods judgement or fentence given again(i Mofes and Aaron, for finning at that place; fee Num.20.1, ro, 12,13. the field] that is, the ceuntry or region: fo' the field ofEdom,Gen. 32.3. the fielde(Moáb, Gen: 36.3 5. the field of Soar, Pfal.78. t 2. the field of Syri t, Hot: 12.12. whereby thofecomurio, are meant. the Amalekire] fo called aftertvárd, of Amslek fon of Efate, Gen.36.12. Hax.ezon- tbamar] which the Chaldee calleth Engedi, as it is alfo named in 2 Chron. 20. 2. a Citie in the land of Canaan, which fell to the tribe of Iadab,Jof i 5.62.a fruit- full place of vines, Song. 1.13. VerC to. had many pits] Hehr. pits piss, which meaneth many, or divers sirs: fo heapes he apes, is .. .... may 4 7 10