Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

tat** L42L t ¿,,T qyTyz/}}t..rT£ _..e iu^ab.ajC..)Cf7 ViinV WV The ¡ummeof the Boolteof DEUTERONoMIE, N the fifth Booke , Mofes, to prepare the Ifraelites onto their inheritance in the Holy Land , rehearfeth the chiefe things that hadbefallen them in their forty yeares travel( thorow the wilderne(fe ; exhorteth them to the love of God , and obfervation of his Law; repeateth the ten Commandements, and explaineth them particularly, with the Ordinances to thembelonging, adding- fome;moe which hee had not before mentioned ; confirmeth the whole Law, with promifes to thofe that keepe it, and threatnings tattle dif- obedient ; reneweth the Covenant betweene God and his people ; prophefieth of things that (hould come to paffe in ages following ; bleffeth the Tribes of Ifrael with feverall blefftngs ; and having viewed the land of promife from an high mountain, he dieth, and , 's bu ried of Gbd; foam being his fucceffor in the Government of the people. e More particularly. ** A"Ofes rebearfetb Gods calling of Ifrael floor; Ho- ,`vjreb towards Canaan. The Officers fen togeverne them. The Spies fens to view the laud , and the peoples rebellion following thereupon. Chap.!. How they pafdby Edam , Moab, and Ammon ; but fought with the Amorites , and conquered King I Sihon. 2 How Og war conquered, and their Countries allot- ted to fonte tribes of Iliad 3 An exhortation to obey Gods law, and to fhimne ido- latry. 4 Of the ten Commandements given at Horeb g and bow the people were affeeled at the giving of the Laye. 5 An expofition of the firfi Commandement , bow God ¡horrid be known, loved, and obeyed. 6 To root out the Canaanites, and their idolatry. 7 To beware left forgeofulnef of firmer mercies, or plenty of good things in Canaan turn them from God. 8 Mofes would bumble Ifrael under the Lord their God, by remembrance of their former many rebellions , and Gods mercies renewed and continued notwithffan- ding. 9 ancj t o Hee exborleth them to love and obey the Lord , by many weighty reajeen:. 11 An explanation of the fecend (emmandement , of abolifhing false worfhip, and fervie ;God according to his law. 12 The third Commandement expounded againfi abufe e of Gods name , by falfi Prophets , inticers, and revolters le Idolatry. 13 7be holy Communion of Gods people, taught by fha- dowes, of titan meats, tithes, &e. t4 The fourth Còmrlandement expletined, by the rites of the Sabbath yeare, and the folemne feafts, &e. t5andi6 The fifth Commandement , of obedience togovernours civili and ecclefiafticall, appointed of God: but root to hearken to any beatbenifh minifiers , or falfe Pro- phets. 17 and 03 The fixt Commandement, toudbing man- flaughtee, marres, murder by one unkáawne, &e. 29.20.21. The feventb Commandement, touching adultery, rape, fornication, inceft. 22 T he eighth Commandement, touching ufury, payment of vowel , libertyin anetbers field, pledges, wan- ¡Sealers, wages, alones, jnfiice, weights and mea fines , &c. 23.24.25. The folemne profif fion of homage unto Godin Canaan, at the bringing of firfi fuies, tithes, &c. 26 Of writing the Law u on fiats, the bleffmgs andcur- fis openly pronounced, and confirmed by the people. 27 Mofes promifeth many bleffngs to them /bat keepe the Law , and tbreatneth many surfit to the difobedi- ent. 28 The renewing of the Covenant between God and If ae1, 29 4 promifi of mercy to repentant frnners , beleoviosg in Chriff 30 The people are encouraged to enter into Canaan , with Io (ha their Captains. Their falling from Gad it fore- tea 31 Mofes fang, wherein bee prophefieth of the fiase of Ifrael untilll the latter Bayes. 32 Befire bis death Mofes bleffith the Tribes ej Ifrael. 33 Mots vtewtb the land , and dieth; it buried of God, mourned for of the people and proofed l Prophets.. 34 t