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./7"1l/JUkC 1'1V1N!Id/%iA// az Hagar given to Abram. ti E N E S I S XVI. and her miftrelfe was defpifed, in her eyes. s And Sarai laid unto Abram , my wrong to upon thee : I have given my handmaid, into thy bofome;and the feeth that the hathcon- ceived ; and I am defpifed in her eyes: Jeho- 6 vah judge hetweene me and thee. And A- bram Paid unto Sarai,Behold thy handmaid, UM thy hand;doc to her,that which is good in thine eyes: And Sarai affh6ted her,and the 7 fled from her face. And the Angel of Je- hovah found her, by a fountaine of waters, in the wilderneffe : by the fountaine, in the 8 way of Shur. And hee laid, HagarSarais hatedmaid,fromwhence commeft thou, and whither wilt thou goe t' And the laid, I am fleeing from the face of my mifrelfé Sarai. 9 And the Angell of J. :hovah faid unto her; Returne tothy miltreffe, and humble thy Io felfe, under her hands. And the Angell of Jehovah, laid unto her ; multiplying I will multiply, thy feed : and it (hall not benum- Is bred for multitude. And the AngellofJe- hovah,faid unto her ; Behold thou art-with- childe, and (halt bearea forme, and thou (halt call his name, Ifmael ; becaufe Jeho- vah hatla heard thy afgtion. And bee will be,amanlike awild-alfc ; his hand will - be againft (,and the hand ofall,againft him: and he (hall dwell, before the faces ofall his 13 brethren. And (he called the name of Jeho- vah, that fpake unto her -,Thou the God that feeft me: for fhe faid; have lai fo here,feen, 14 after him that teeth met Thereforethe well was called,Beer- lachai -roï :behold it ti be- ts tween Kadefh, and Bered. And Hagar bare unto'Abram, a fon : and Abram called,the name of his fon, which Hagar bare, Ifmael. r 6 And Abram, hear four: (core yeeres and fixe yeeres old : when Hagar bare Ifmael to A- bram. tit nnotationr. r Andmaid]or,bon maid, fervant: oppofadto afree- woman,Ier,3410,11. Ga1.4.22. The Holy Ghostranflateth it inGreek,fomtime Dou- lee, a woman feery ent, A&.a. t 8. sometime Paidie- k e, a handmaid, Ga1.4 . z z. This bond woman was of Egypt (or Adizraim) cf the polteritie of Cham, Gen. o.6. which Egypt is after called the haufe of fervants, Exod.20.2. for holding Abrams feed in bondage. Ilagar]in Greeke Agar: by interpre- tation a Fugitiree or repulfed firanger ; in the Arabi- an tongue. And the Aposle faith , that this Agar (allegorirally)ir mans Sinai in Arabia,and it in ban - datemith her children, Ga1.4.24,2 5. where he nta- kethher a figure of the old Teftament,or covenant of theLaw given ou mount Sinai, and of the earthly Ierufalem: as Sarai the free woman, figu- red the Ierufalem which is above , and the new Teifament or covenant of the Gol el inChriff. Hagar.t pofferityare calledHagarens(por Hagarites) in I Chron.5. to. where the Greeke trauflateth then Pariolgaus, fl ranger,, Verf. 2: refrained] the, Greeke interpreteth clofed me up, according to that phrafe of doting up the womb,, Gen.2o.18. contrary to which is the opening of the wombe, Gen.3o.2 z. God had promi- fed a feed unto Abram,Gen. t 5.4.but not exprelly as yet unto Sarai : wherefore doubting whether (he amulet be the mother, file motioneth another courfe, which was not according to God (for it violated the law of mariage Gen. a.a 4.) but after the fle fh,Gal.4.23. goe in] that is, accampat9 with : fee Gen.6.4. it may be] or, peradventure : a tpeech not of faith,but of uncertaine hope,& likelihood after the fkfb but Sarai her kite, had afterward a fon byprami%i,Gal.4.23. and the word ofprontife was,In this lone time will I cow, and Sarah ¡Fall bane a fin, Rom.9.9. wherefore the had a fon by Agar, but hee was no heyre,Gen.2 t .s o. fo theChurch hath had children by the Law, but theywere not heires of the Kingdonte of God : for the Law is not of faith;neither are the heires of inheritance, otherwife then by promifeof grace in Chris: Gal.3.t 2,t 4,18,22,29. bebuilded] that is, (hall baea fn.Sothe Greeke explaineth it; and Mofes in Deut.a 5.9. And in Hebrew, bin fu a me, is na- med of bandy, be buikkd. So Rachel and Leib, are laid to build the bos fi ofIfreel(by bearing children) Ruth 4 a t .and God ppromised a feed to David,un- der the fimilitttde of building him anlnmfe,2 Sam. 7. I 1,12.27. Sarai reckoneth her maids children as her own:fo by the Law,bond fervants children were their mailers, Exodar.4.Rachel likrwife comnted,her maids children, as given to her felt", Gen.3o.3,6,8. And among the heathens, Plutarch ltteweth, how'Stratotrice the wifeof King Pelota- run being barren, gave fecretly her mayd E/eflra unto her husband, by whom thee hadan heyre to the Crowne. Verf 3. end of tenyeereo] that is,afier be bad dwelt 3 there tenyeerr.So Abram was now 85.yeers old,aad Sarai 75 Gen.1 z.4.and 17.17.In the yeere of the world,z 093. a wife] to weer, a fècondary and not a full wife buts concubine, Gen.a 5.6.So ¡Cou- nt called a wife, Gen. z 5.1. was but a concubiné, 1 Chro. t.3 2.what they differ, is noted on Gen 22. 2 3. defpi,îd] or, lightly feet by : the Greeke faith di fbmou ed. This pride of Agar,figured the like af- feítion in the heart of thole that put confidence inthe works of theLaw, (as was in the Pharifee Luk 18.1o,11.) And it greatly dif- quieted Sarai,for it is one of the fartre things which the earth cannot heart, that an handmand lhould be beire to her mifire, Prov.3o.2 t,23. Vert 5 any wrang]or,my injurie, (which I fuffer) is upon thee; that is,thou art the caufe of it. So the Greekeexpounds it, Iaminiuredofthee: and the Chaldee, I have a plea againfi flue : as if Abraham faulted,in fuffring filch miiderneanor:Or,my wrong be upon thee,that is,either right thou my wrong,or beare 2