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t brahaal prayeth for Sodom. GE r! ES I S XVIII. 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 32 33 Cher according to the crytherof that Is come unto me,they have dóne altogether : and if not,tkat I may know. And t-e men turned- the face -from thence,andwent to Sodome: and Abraham,he yet flood before Jehovah. And Abraham drew-neere , and faid; wilt thou alfo confume the lull with the wicked? If fo be there be fifty j (t men, within the City : wilt thou alto confume, and not fpare the place,forthe fifty juft, which are within it f Far-be -it from thee to doe according to this word , to flay the juftwith the wicked,' and that the tuft fhould bee as the wicked : far -be -it from thee; (hall the Iudge ofall the earth , not doejudgement ? And Jehovah Paid ; If I (hall find in Sodom, fifty juft men within thecity:then will I fpare all the place for their fake. And Abrahamanlwered,and laid: Behold now I have taken upon me to fpeake unto the Lord; and I, am duft and alhes. If -fo -be there lacke of fifty juftmen, five ; willt thou deftroy fer five,all the city? And he faid, I will not deflroy,ifI (hall find there, fourty and five. Anei headdedagain, to fpeake unto him,and faid; If-fo -be fourty be found there: and hee faid, I will not doe ir, for fournies fake. And he laid, O let not now the Lord be wroth , and I will fpeake If -fo-be thirty be found there : and bee faid, I will not doeir , if I (hall find thirty there: And he faid, Behold now I have taken-upon me to fpeake unto the Lord ; If fo be twenty (hall be found there : And he fayd,I will not deilroy, for twenties fake. Andhee fiiyd,O let not now the Lord bee worth , and I will fpeake but this once ; If fo- be,tcn (hall bee found there : And he raid ,I will not defiroy, for tennes fake. And-Jehovah went-away, whèñ as he had made -an -end, of (peaking unto Abraham : and Abraham, returned to his place. t.ilznotattenr. 9 9 Here beginneth the fourth fe &ion of the Law, called of the firft word Vajera, that is And(the Lord) appeared. Sec Gen.6.9. APpeared] or, wolfram of him, meaning Abra- ham. This vifton was to renew the promu e oftfaaks birth; and to acquaint Abraham with Gods purpofe of deftroying Sodom. And for us, to fee how Abrahams faith wrought with his works; and by workes, faith was made perfe&,as Iam.2.2z. the okes] that is, the oke- grove, or the plain,: fee Gen .13.18. in the beat] that is, at noon,: as the Greeks tranflateth it. At fit h tinte travellers wex faint and hungry: beat allo figureth affliliions, Mat. 13.6.2 i. Rev.7.16. the due time to thew forth works ofgrace,Mat.z5.35. Verf.2. three men] fo they Teemed at firft to A- braham; but he enterained Angels emawarer,Heb. x 3.2.for one of there is called lebovab,verf. x 3.14. 17.20,22. and Abraham after fo acknowledged him as the Lord and Iudge ofall the eartb,verf.2 5.27. And this was Chrift, Rom. x0.9.Iohn 5.22. The other two were created Angels , Gen.x 9.1. The Hebrew Doftors here fay ; And behold time An- gel; werefern to Abraham our father : and they tbreè were featfer three things, beeaufè it cannot he, that moo things then one fhould be fne by tlx band of owe öf the high Angels. The firfi Angell warfeat to /burgled tidings unto A;ira- ham our father , that Sarah !hot&beare Ifaak The fè_ send Angell went feet to deliver Lot fromthe overthrow (afSodom.) The :bird Angell way font to overthrow So- dom and Gemorrba,Admahand Sehoim : Thargum lertt falemy onGen. i . be f re him] or', againfi him; thus occafioning Abraham to come unto them: who prefèntly ran;and fopurfued hofpitality, as the Apoltlefpeaketh,Rom. t 2.13. Verf. 3. Lord] the Hebrew Adonai is written with long A in the end, which is the ufiiall title ofGod,as is obferved on Gen.t 5.z. The Greeke alto tranflateth it abfolutely Lord; and the Chal- dee expre(l"eth it by the letters of lehovab; other- wife then in ficn,t9.2. And Abraham in verf27. under this title, acknowledgech him for God; oppofing hintfelfe,as duff and afheh: Verf.4. leaneye donne] that is, :VI ye; or as the Greeke tranflaceth. refiefhyourfelves. Verf5.fuf<aineye]orteeold; that is , eomfrt or fireagthenyourheart : the Greeke tranflateth it eat. Bread is compared to a ffaffior fy,EiiY3.t.for that it is the chiefe fuftenance that upholds the life ofman.So in Iudg. t 9.5.Pfa1.104.15. Verl6. three pecks] or meafure, each of them was at leafs a pottle biggger.then our Englifh peck, for three of them made an Epbaá,or Bufhel,(wher.- of fee Exodus 16.36.) The Hebrewes write that this their peck , ('which they call Seah, the Greek Satan,)contained as much as 144 common hens egges. I or their leafs meafure is thequanti -, ty of an egge ; fixewhereof doe make a meafure called Log, or Pinte, (whereof fee Lev. t ¢. t o.)and foure of then Logs make a Kab,(wherof fees Kin.' 6.a5.)and fixe Kahl make this Stab or Pecke;three whereof Abrahamprepareth herefor three mens dinner;which with other things doe maniten his liberality : contrary to Nabals,t Sam, z 5.i t .Our Saviour elfo bath a Parable of threeperkes ofineale which a woman lcavened,Mat.13.; 3.That which in Ruth I. t an Ephab (or Bufbell) ,f barley ; the ChaldeeParaphrafè there calleth there Scabs (or pecks:) So alto in Exod. x 6.; 6. flowery meek] that is, fine male : Hebr. mea /e °flower. This and the tender and pod wife, verf.7. fheweth that AAbra- hams benevolence was of the belt things that her had.See the annotations on Gen.4.4 Verf7. the herd] or, the beeves : as the Greeke andChaldee turne it. a calf] Hebr. fan ofthe herd, or beele: fo, fûnnesof the flocke, for Lambes, Pfal. t 14.4. firm of the affe , for a foa/e,Gen.49. s I. fanner z 3 4 5 6 7