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TI-IE TABLE. Beth!,: hem, Genesis 35. 16, 19. B. trot hing of a wife, the manner of it among the Jewes, Deut.22 23. The punishment for lying i with a betrothed woman, Deut.22.24,&c. Binding a Chariot, for making ready, Gen.46.29. Bebop, whereof named, Num.3.3a. Biting nfurie forbidden but allowed upon tiran- gets, Exod.22.25. Deut.23.19,2O. ' Bla fphemers to be put to death, Lev. 24.16. Elemiffies might not be in any factifice, Lev. .1, &c. Deus .-17. I. Blue, what it meanetb, Gen. 1. 22. and 2.3. and 7 2.2. and 14. 19,2o. And 27.4. Bleff ng for gift, 33. i 1. for falvation, Gen. 47. 7. Ble(fings for \them that keepe Gods commandements, and curies for the tranfgrefiors, Lev. 26. Dent. 28. The Priests bleffing of Ifrael,Num.6.23, &c Bief- fng God for meat, drinke, &c. Deut.8.10. Bief- fingo and Curfer,where to be prononnced,Deut. 27. Mofes Blef/ings of the tribes, Deut. 33. Blew, what colour it was, Exod.z 5.4. Bloud,for 1ife,Gen.9.4. Blonds for murther,Gen.4. so. Blond of the facrifice put on the Priefis care, thumbe and toe, Exod. 29,20. Blond of fowles and beasts might not be eaten, Lev.7.26. & 17. 10,17,12. Blond of wilde beasts and fowls muff be covered with duff, Lev.17.13. Booke of God, or of life, Exod. 3 2.32. The fea4 of Boothe:, or Tabernacles,Lev.2 3.34. Borrowing, and lawes concerning it, Ex.22.141 5. Bowing downe for worship, Gen.22.5. Ex.4.31. Brat, what itfignifieth, Exod.27. a. Bread for all focd,Gen.3. i 9. & 21.14. & 31.54. Breath, Nefhamah, what, Gen. 2.7. Bre.fiplate of the high Priest, Exod. 28.15. Bribes forbidden, Exod.23.8. Bringing neere, and offering, ufed for the Game, Levit.s. Brother, for kkl fman, Gen. 13.8. for the fame hn- mane natur , Gen.s 9.7. Building, how uféd;Gen.2.2z. Building, for having children, Gen..16.2. and 30.3. Buffocke, of the fecond yeere, as a Calfe of the firff, Exod. 29.1. Burnt - tiering, Gcn.8.2o. The Law concerning it, whether it were of the herd, flocke, or fowles, with the fignification, Lev. 1. and 6.9,&c. Butter, what it Ggnified, Deut.32.14. C ACake of the firff of the dough to be given to the Lord, Num.15. 20. Celli of the first yeere, a bullocke of the fecond yeere, Exod.29,1. Calling for praying, Gen. I2.8. Campe of Ifrael defcribed, Numb. 2. Burning of fome facrifices without the Campe, what it fig - uified, Levit.4. 12. lertifalem anfwerable to the Campe of Ifael, Num.2.27. Canaan ,Chams Conne curled, Gen.9.25. Canaanites with their brethren to be rooted out,Exod 22. 20. Dent. 7.1. Canaan, land defcribed, Genet. 12, 5. Dent. 8.7, &c. and I I ro,l 1,12. The G naanites fmité Ifrael, Numb. 14.45 and 21 . 1. The borders of the land of Canaan which If- rael fhoúld inherit, Num. 34. Candlefiicke in the Tabernacle , Exod. 2 5. 31, &c. the order of trimming the lamps therof daily Exod. 2 7. 2 I. The Captive woman how to be ufed, Dent. 21.I o. &c. Captivity for Captives, Numb. 21. 1. Deur.' 32. 42. Carkaffes and torne things might not be eaten, 1 Lev. 17. 15. Chaldees, Gen. 11. 28. Change of garments, Gen. 45.2z. Charming forbidden, Deut. 18.2 i. Chebron a Citie called J(irjatb Arba, Gen. 13. s 8, and 23. 2. Cherubim, Chen. 3.24. Exod.25.18. The Church or Congregation of Ifrael, who might and mightnot enter into it, Deut. 23.1,2, &c. Chufnng -for loving, Gen.6.2. Gnomon, Exod.30.z3. Circumcifing, what it was, Gen. i 7a 0. Circumcifnng the heart, Deut.3 o.6. A Citie revolting to Idols; to be deftroyed, Dent. 13. 12, &c. Cleaving tò the Lord,what it nleaocth,Deu.Io.20. Clouds lignifie troubles, Gen. 9.14. Cloud, a token of Gods prefence, Exod. 40.34,3 8. The Cloud concluding the Ifraelites,Num 9.17;&c. Commanding, how ufed, Gen. 50.16. Levit.z 5.21. Commandements imply alfo forbidding, Deut. 2. 37. and 4.23. Compaffmg for honour, Gen. 37.7. Conceiving of childe, Gen.4.1. Concubine, what it meanetha Gen. 22.23. The Congregations offering for their finne, Levit. 4.130 &c. Confeeration of the Prieffs , with the rites thereof, Exod.29. Lev.B. Continual, or daily facrifices, Exod:29.42. Co .Q, s of the field to be left for thepoore, Levin. 19. 9. Corners of the head and beard not to be marred, Lev. 19:27. Corrupting, for finning, efpecially idolatry, Gen.6. i i. for defiroying, t, en.6.13 Covenant, Gen. 6.18. The Cotenant of the Law at mount Sinai, Exod. t 9,&c . The renewing of the Covenant before Mofes death, Deuteronom. 29.1o, &e. 4.. ei Coveringmercie feat, what it Sgnified, Éxod.2 5.17. Coveting forbidden, Exod. 20. 17. Court of Gods Tabernacle, Exo.z 7.9. and 40.33. Create, what it nmaneth, Gets.1.7. Cubit, what meafure it is, Gen. 6.15. Cunning workman, Exod.26. i. Curfnng, what it meaneth, Gen. 3. 14. and 4. I I. and 12.3. Cartes pronounced upon the trans greffors of the Law, Deut.27. Cush, father of /Ethiopians, Gen. 2.73. and 1006. Cutting of a Covenant, for malting, Gen.1 5.18 Cut- ting el; Gen.17. 24.. Lev.2o.3, Cutting of the fa- crifices into pieces,and what it fignified Lev r. 6. Cutting in the flesh may not,be made for the dead, Lev.' 9.28. Dent.' 4.1. Damafu1, 7` 9. l... i 4t./+ t2