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THE TABLE. Wrefting or perverting of judgement forbidden , Exod.23.2. Woman, whereof named,Gen.2.23. Women purification after childbirth, Lrvit.12. Wndert, whereof named,Exod.7.3 9. Wood for the facrifices,Levit.i.7. Words for kings, Gen.1 5.1. Words for Commandements;Exod.34.28. Deu.1o.4. Y ATeare, whereof named,Gen.1.r4. The fe- venth yeere a yeere of ref[ to the land, Lev. 25.2, &c. The yeere of Iubile, or fiftieth yeer, Lev.25.10, &c. The feventh yeere, debts were to be releafed, Dent. 15.1, &c. Lt the feventh yeer Hebrew fervants were to be Cet free ,Deut. 15.1258/c. Yeßerday, for all time part, Gen.31.2. Young-men, for frvants, mini iers,Gen.14.24. Exo- dus 33.111. for firff -borne, Exod.24.5. Toke,, for fervitude, Gen.2 7.4o. z Elapbehads daughters claime their inheri- tance, and obtaine it, Numb.27. Zogar, a Citie, why fo named, Gen. 13.1d. & 19. 22. Zuz, a kind of money, how much,Levit.19.1 o. Other Hebrew phraíes and figures obferved. Efell or want of words to be fupplied : as, Of a verbe frsbftantive, Gen. t.2. Of a verbegenerally , Gen. 3. 9. and 11.4. and 23. t 3. and 24.67. Of a Pronoun , lhewing the perron wanting in a verbe indefinite, Gen. 6, 19. and t9.20,& 23. S. and 47.29. A Protonic after a verbe perfonall,Gen.31.42,and 2.19. Of anounefubffantive, Qen.24.33. Deut.33.7 Of' a nonne fubffantive after an adjeftive,Gen.4.2o. and 24.22, and 25.8. Numb.r.r. Of a nonne fubffantive before another fub[tantive, Gen.'s,'. and 6.11. and 42.33. Exod. 25.4. Of an adjeíïive of comparing, Gen.3. r. Of a Prepofition, Numb.' o.36 . Deut .32.43. Of apart of a feentence, Gen. 19.4. Exod.4.5. and 13.8. Levit 24.8. Of a Conjunúion, as And, Exod. 22.3o. Or, Dent. 24.17. Of a Prepofition in a compounded verbe, Ex.9.16. Of an Adverbe of denial); not, Num.4.15. Overplus or redundance of words, which in o- cher languages may be omitted : as OF a Prepafstian, to, Gen.2. 7. far, Genera 7.4. Gen .7.1 7, and 13.9. Of a Nonne, as men brethren, for brethren, Ge n.13,8. Exod.2 7.14. Of a Promote, It,Gen.5.29. Me; Gen,454 Of aConjuntTion, Gen.8.6..and 36,24. Change orputting one for another : as, OF 21.uinber, Singular for plural/ , Gen. 2.2. and 3.2. and 4.2o. and i6. t 6, and 12, 5. Plu - rall for fingular,Gen,21.7. and 46.7.23. Of Gender.Gen.4.7.. Exod.1.z1, and 2.17. Of Perfn, Gen.49.4 Of Time,Participle prefent, for future, Gen. 7.4. Pre- tertenfee, for pre fent, or to mme,Gen.15. 18, and 17.2o. Of Prepof tion,Gen.17.21. Of Letters, Gen.4.18. and 10.3. Exod,a 21. Of Order of words, Gen.5.6. Num.a 1.17. Of Order of letters in words, Gen.10.3. Of a Pronaune, Deut.9.2 5. Imperative for Indicative, Gen.zo 7. Indefinite for Imperative, Exod.13.3 Indefinite, for that which went before, as Indi- cative, &e Gen.6,19. Indefinite, implying a pert n, Gen.6.19, Alike Imperfonally and pafze,Gen.2.20. and 6.2o. and 16. / 4. Exod., 5.23. Dukes for dultedomes, Gen.3 6, 30. Efeaping, or Evafion, for a company efeapea', Genefis 45.7 Houfi for honfhold, Gen.45., r. í 8. A Colleltive noune,with Verbe fingular or plurali, Gen.2 2.17, and 24.6. In fpeech of many where one is principali, it is fingular or plural!, Num.21.21. A thing generally Cet donne, meaneeh all partiadars, Gen.6.22, A thinggenerall, meaneth but Come of each fort, Gen.7.14. Things denied to be done,often meant that they could not be done, Gen. 13.6. Pinrall words and fingular, note exalinef , Genefis 27.29. Plurali words, restrained to the number before, Gen.2.24.tbey, that is, they two. Singular words reftrained to one,Gen.1.27. and 3.11. uefiions for Affirmations, Gen.4.7. and 13.9. Denials, Gen. r 8.17. Earmf prayers, Exod.3 2.1n. Deprecations, Numb.17.13. Doubling of words diverfly ufed, as in Gen.7 29.19. and 14.1 o.and 17.2. and 32.16. Exod. 8.14, Levit.15.2. How men are laid to doe that which they ende- vour to doe, Exod. 8.18. or,to doe that which they prophefie fhall be done, Gen. 49.7. and 48.22. AN