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8o lfaak is borne. , GENESIS X X I. Iflnael is call out. 18 nies) (ball be to thee, fir an honour of thyface , and to all the (women) that are with thee. and all that, hc.] that is , and all (this is) that (thou maifl be) rebuked, and warned to carry thy felfe otherwife: and fo they are the words of Abimelech. Or, if they be the words of Mofer, wee may reade, and all (thus -mat) that (Ate might be) rebuked. The Ghaldee tranflateth, and fir all that thou haft fail, and be thou rebuked : the Greeke thus, and all things 1peake thou truly. Vert. 18. doing clofed] that is, fait clofed. See the like phrafe, inGen. 2. I y. dari. ^7J4Fé/JGffi 2ZÆ1°.Rs 2èd4So Cu. p. XXI. r, Ifaak,is borne; 4, he is cireumcifed. 6,S drab, joy. 9, Hagar and Ifmaei are call forth 15, and fall into ditrefle. 17, The Angell comforteth her. 22, Ahem- lecbt covenant with Abraham at Been :Pas. a A Nd Jehovah, vifited Sarah, as he had laid : and Jehovah did unto Sarah, as be had fpoken. And Sarah conceived, and bare to Abraham a fon, in his old -age: at the let-time, which God had fpoken to 3 him. And Abraham called the name of his fon, that was borne unto him, whom Sarah 4 bare unto him, Ifaak. And Abraham cir- cumcifed Ifaak his fon , being a fon of eight s claies: as, God had commanded him. And Abraham war, a hundred yeeres old : when 6 Ifaak his fon, was borne untohim. And Sa- rah faid,God bath mademe a laughter: eve - 7 ry one that heareth,will laugh with me. And the Paid ; who would have laid unto Abra- ham, that Sarah fhould have given fonnes fucke e for I have borne a fon,in his old age. 8 And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great banquet, in the day 9 that Ifaak was weaned. And Sarah Caw, the fon of Hagar the /Egyptian , which (he had I o borne unto Abraham, laughing. And thee laid to Abraham; Call out the bondwoman, and her fon: for the fon of this bondwoman, hall not be heire, with my fon, with Ifaak. , r And the word was very evill, in the ties of 12 Abraham: becaufe of his fon. And God Paid unto Abraham ; Let it not be evill in thine eies, becaufe of the lad, and becaufe of thy bond-woman ; in all that Sarah (hall fay unto thee, heare her voice : for in Ifaak,fhall /3 feed be called to thee. And altothe fon of t' e bond-woman, I will make of him a na- o t .m :becaufe he, is thy feed. And Abraham role-early in the morning, and tooke bread, and a bottle of and gave unto Hagar, putting it on her fhoulder ; and the child, and Pent her away : and Thee went and wan-, dred , in the wilderneffe of Beer-fheba. And thewater ofthe bottle, was fpent : and 15 Thee call the childe, under one of the fhrubs. And (he went , and fate her felfe 16 overagainft him , going-far -off, about a bow (hoot ; for thee Paid, Let mee not fee the death of the child ; and fhe fate over - againft him , and lifted up her voice , and wept. And God heard , the voice of the lad; and an Angell of God, called to Hagar, out of heaven; and Paid unto her, what aileth thee, Agar a feare not, for God bath heard the voice ofthe lad,there where he ts. Arife, r Q lift up the lad , and held him in thy hand : for I will make of him, agreat nation. And 19 God opened herejes, and (he fawawell of water: and Thee went and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drinke. And 20 God was with the lad, and he grew : and dwelt in the wilderneffe, andwas a (hooter with bow. And he dwelt in the wilderneffe 21 ofPharan: and his mother took hima wife, out of the land of ìf.gypt. And it was,in that time; that Abimelech, and Phicol prince of his hofl,fâid untoAbra- ham , laying : God is with thee, in all that thou.doft.And now,fweare unto me here by God;Ifthou (halt lye unto me,or to my fon, or to my nephew : according to the kindnes that I have done unto thee, thou halt do un- to me; and unto the land, in the which thou haft fojourned. And Abraham Paid, I will 24 fweare. And Abraham reproved Abime- 25 lech, becaufe of a well of water,which Abi- melechs fervants had violently -taken away. And Abimelech Paid, I know not,who bath 26 done this thing : and all.; thou, didftnot tell me; and Ialfo , did not heare it, but today. And Abraham tooke (heepe and oxen, and 27 gave to Abimelech: and both ofthem flroke a covenant. And Abimelech fet,feven ewe- 28 lambes of the Rocke, by themfelves. And 29 Abimelech fail , unto Abraham i what mean here, thefe (even ewe - lambs; which thou haft let by themfelves e And hee laid; for, the (even ewe - lambes, thou fhalt take of my hand : thrt they may be tome for a Teftimonie; that I have digged, this Well. Therefore; he called that place,Beer- (heba: becaufe there they fware, both of them. And they ftroke a covenant, in Beer.fhe- ba: and Abimelech rote -up, and Phicol the Prince of his 'loft , and they returned, into the land of the Phfliflines. And hee planted 17 22 23 3° 31 32 33 / 407,111 ;