Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

i8á CHAP. XII. x heb.9,24. ces made with hands , but r into very heauen ,) & obteyned eternall redem- zdsch ;g, prion. So the Lord tooke away f the iniquitie of"his land in one day, (as he hadprornifed;)for the ranfom was nnoft precious,euen ofinfinite value effect, teeing by theunionoftheGodhead with the manhood in this our High- priers Md. 20, z8 perfon it was the blood of t God him- felfe, (as the fcripture fpeaketh,)where- with we arepurchafçd.Thus Chrift hath y Rom.S,io V reconciled us that were enemies , unto God by his death and hath put away Heb.9,26. rune, X by the facrifice ofhimíelfe : for y John 1,29. hewas the y LambofGod, that taketh - away the finne ofthe world; &. thepro- z Gen. Zz. s pheie ofAbrahamwas fulfilled , z god willprovide hima Lambfirabtirnt o f (ring, .my f nne. 1z. Touching Chrifts yntercefon, as a lohn x7. heprayed a for hischurch whenhe was bioh, xr,42 on earth, and hisFather heard him b al- wayes; fo now being afcended and fet at eRom. 8,34 the right hand of God, he í ul c m4 requell for us, being thereforeentred Pleb. 9,24 to very heauen, to appea°rcnow d in the fight ofGod for iis, Whotè prayer as it