Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C HAP. III. 37 ascended up on highwith triumph, lea- ding P captivitie captiue , c approached unto the Ancient of Bayes , who r fet him at his right hand in the heauenly places , farte abQùe all principalitie and power,and might; anddomination, and everie name that is named , not in this worldonely, but alto in that which is to corne, andmade all things fubjed under his feet; fgaue himdominion (5z honour and a kingdorné,thar all peoples, nations and_languages would ferue him, his do- minion is an eveiafting dominio , which tliall neverbe teen away , andhis king- dome shall nevée corrupted , and this is the name wh: t-°by we mtiít call him, r Jéhovah oast j us`ttie,q 13. Andnow tl#V'gates of the heauen- lyParadife V were 'c ened to the formes ofAdam , and the «ee, ofLife , better then that fromwhich the Cherubirns x fword had kept man , was Y ginen him by Chrifl to eate of, and liue for ever. Now felt men the effect of that heauen- ly oracle, that carne out of Cajaphas mouth , z It expedient, fir tes , the one mandiefir the people, and the Whole nntiott C 3 .person ppri,1.68,18 g Dan. 7,13 r Ephej,l, 20 21. fDan.7, z4s t Ier.23,6. V Luke 25, 43 x Gut ;,24. y Rcti. 2,7. z Iohattgv