Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

~ I ' ' (124) lower fparks ~e · f~allowed np in God; when t~e. Sun fhiues all t~e Stars . dif-appear an~ arc not needed. · Lift up thine-eies Chriflian~ and fee, what piea– fures there ·are within the Veil: Come, drink thy fill of this new wine,let thy Faith draw thc'Cunai~1s of .. Eternity , l-and take a view of rhofe height's and depths,and lengths and breadths ofthat Glory and Joy, w·hiE:h there_it n1ay difcover. Look on him that fits on tbe Throne, and thofe everlafting Tteafures ot Light, Holinefs, Goodnefs and Mercie, which are fheaming fron1 his face, on thofe overflowa1g bow· cls of kindneffe and compaalon; on thofe Rivers of pit re andEternal plcaft1res,Refi and P,eace,~bat rife front that gloriousThrone,and run through the Ci· ty of God. Behold ~he 1ree -of Ltfr, and feed chy Soul on its precious fruit, whofe very leave$ are for the healing ofNations. Hearken tp, a11d fill ' thine Ears and Heart wjth thofe triuntphs and cxultari- . ons,thofe raptures and extafies of un fpeakable and glorious js,ie.s ; thofe bleft1ngs and praifirigs, thofe Halleluj ah'f :Jhat are tuned upon · the h'earts and tongu es of the Heavenfy Chcre; r he gtoriQuS Angels ilnd the Spirits_of }uft men perfeU; by the vifion and fruition ofthy God, the God of glorie. · Look on, and pdfdfe. this joy and glorie, fay to thy Soul, as God to Abrllham, Gen. 13. 14. Lift up thine ties, #-nd looT{ the place where thou art, Northward, and S a uthw.~trd, and /Egftward. and W'eJq • .,ard, through all·the Coafts, and all the· ons of the bleifed Land of P romife, and holy City; and then fay, Come Soul, ta~e up'thy reft here, aU thil i.f ·thine, · / , Look