Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(125) Look and love, love and lo11g, long and hope , · hope a.nd rejoice in hope,of thi»·gl?ry of. God. Look on thy ·God, and never leave looktng, ull ,thou arc changed i~nto his Image~and fatisfied with his Ima(Ye; And here let thy delight and thy dwelling be. t» ' t 2. Above all carnal difcouragetuents, from any adverfaries, or dangers, '~herewith you are baiced ana a'ffrighted, as you walk in the Lord, let the joy oJ the Lord be your il:rength, let your Sun b( your ihield, -let your hope be your con.fidence, and fear not your_dutie nor danger.. Look toyour hope,.and you will laugh at fear. Dwell in your reward, ·and ,you will not be afraid to dwell in your dutie : But cf this a word more by and by. Thus much Direction~, · ' · '\ 2. I lha.ll ltext give you fome fpecial Dircltions for your dailie work. ' , .. Generals necdfarilie depend on, 'and fubfift in, particularf . As there can be no Religion in'a King~ pot:p, un1tlfe jc be firfi in par~icular Families, nor in Fan1ilies,unldfe it be in particula~ perfons; fo a gent:ral courfe of Chriftianity there cannoc be., ~nlefs it·be fu pporced in our particular dailie .walk. · The Advice I am giving yo,u, . I have in,part bor– rowed for your ufe, which forhe ofyou n1ay pofiib- , lie have received elfewhere. 1;3efore I giv.e you the particular dlreetiGns, I 1hall firft premife.tbefe things: .. 1. Count upon this, that the Diretlions I am now giving you, (if you ever mean to bring it to any thing) w~ll cofi you pains and labour: apq how can you count your felves Chrifiians, ~fyou refufe to be ac the ntcetfary coft oi Chrifiianity·? If you · think