Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

r . I .(162) pet[waded, hefeeched, and reproved you in 1 Vain : · 'Twas ;the ApotHe 's ca{e, and his fear, concernin(J th~ Galarians, Chap. 4· I I. · ·" ___ :;, le is my gri-ef,that ~he11 I would h:ave no mnre to· fpeak, but/an healing word, a con1forting word; I nudl yet drop ~own a bitter word on fome of YOtJ; That ~hen I would fpeak only fron1 MQunt Gerio– zi111', 11nnllt yet again fpeak to fome fron1 M.ount– Ebal j 'fhat whetf· I -would leave a ~leiling behind me upon you all, l~m like to leave fome botind un– der a · Curfe~. It's grievous to me thus to fpeak; yet for· t~lie difchar~e ofmy duty)and for your ownue- · ceffity, bear ·with me: I .am afraid; thatLwhHft I have' been preaching to yow, of an incorruptible , ' Crown, of an everla~ing Rcfi, 'a Kingdom o~ Joy and·Glory;l am afra1d there are many ofy6u,7~at h~tve nt part.~or lot in tbit matter,but are jfill in the g~ll •f Bitternefs,and bond DJ iniquity; If the G'flil be bid, it i1 bid to tkem th11t •r, lojt: And are ther~ .n<?n• ~mong_you, from whom this Gofpel is hi·d .~ b~a at to the light ofir, hid as to the Caving pow~~' "''hd efficacy ofit ? l sm afraid thereare toomany ; f"am afraid there's nlany a blind·eye, many an _hard . heart,n1any a Spirir fiill in Prifon, under-the ·~wtr · of their Lutb, and Briutiih Senfuali~y : I am af:aid . . there ar~ many fuch amougyou,and are not Y<.?U a· fraid fo·too? Oh that you were 1 · . . 2. I ha vc a greater fear tlian· this ;·I am afraid of Cor:ne ofy~u)tbat not only all n1y paft Lab~urs, but tlus laft vall be loft alfo. Thofe that ftand Jt out tQ their l~ft d4y,doufuaHy ftand ~tout in their laft: ~1-J· Bleffed be Gqd, that there arc amongft .you thofe, . ovc~ whommy Soutis comforted: Towhom-1can fpeak in the \Vords of the A.Pofilc, 1l~m. - 6 . · x6 . G;~ . '.