Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

'(163) te tban~ed,tbat )'r were t/hc Servalits o.f fln; but ye ,hilve obeyed from the heart, that form ~f Dolirint that hatb bnttdelivered unto)oil ; it1id 'being no'W)nzade free from fin, you are beC.'J~u tb:e 8er~tt:ntl of Rig~tiou{neft~ .: On ,that lco.ulo·thus fpeak!Oh that I couldthu~ rejoycc over you' all f Bm as tbe Apofile·faid to the <J.orin– tbittJts, 2 CC?_r. :t2. 20. I f~ar~ left when I (come)l jlnt.fJ. (find) youJuch M I WO;lld. 110t;. _ So mufl: I fay,:With ·a grieved heart, I fearthat now I an1 going I lhallleav youfuch as I would not. I wonldhotleave ort~blind perfon,one vain perfon,one loofe liver,not one un- . 'be.liever)or impenitent,an1ongft youall. Qh·what a good day. would this day ofmy departure be? what ·Light trlould ·this dark Evening, were it t-hus with you? If I n1ighr fee you:all recovef,ed out ofthe ~f the Devil,every man,sEy:es op.eri~d, ev~ry man.,s Fetters off,everymah's Prifonbroken, , and hi~ Soul e[cape<Jtfro.m tltat deadly boQdage (if every poor deadly Crettthr.e d.rtiong you, ,who yet ltes bound hand and foot in·•hts Grave ·CI'Othes, mi~ghr now· ae lafi fiand up fr<lnl :tlte Dead, 'and li~e the·Life .of God; this would be rt1ioe:and ypur·greac rejoycing•. But:oh I fear w.ith this·Apofile• . 2~.: Cor;; · tl. 21. My God will humble mt, .and ' griev.e .me~ and affiiet me,; to [(e in what ·a woful plight, I mull leavo dlver~ of· yo·Lt · ' · ' .: · · · ·, · · • .. ..., . . ·'. ,. . . ... . . . ., ' ~ , Oh ye Sons ofthe.Nighr;y<?ti p·oo.r,igrj,orant;and dark Sotils, tip on whom the Light· hath lhined,but , your Darknefs comprehendeth inndt:Olt yo'ti poor~ ohftinate)& h-ardtted-Souls,upon whom .J have been p1oughing, as upon R.ocks,& hewing a1 upon Ada– mants., who fr~H ren1ain Ltnder as great Hardt1.efi, a:s if no Dew nor Rain had ever falJ.en ·at'i you.Oft fOli , _ poor;half .. bak' d~ almofi Chrifl:ians~ th4lc bavc ta~eri ... M :i / ·- tii \ \ \