Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

[ 30] \ ·his own, to execute his Counfel, in the punitbingot Hypocrites;to purgeout the Chaff from the Wbeat; neverthelefs, he met!lneth not fo, nor d9th hu heart think... fo: ~he AJ!jrianmindsnot what God's D~fign is, but follows his own Defign ; fights for hit:n– felf, and fpoils for l)imfelf; but E:Jod's Deflgn is lhll , carried on by him, thougn he think not of it. '' All the Events in the Worldare driving the fame way; every Difeare\ or Infirmity that comes upon you, every Lofs that you fufiain, every Scoff or Re– proach that you ftiffet: ; the lhatne in your Faces; the Sotrow of your Hearts , the Torment in your Bowels, the ~ches 'in your Bones, are all ·working · your good. All the changes of your ·Conditions,your fair Weather and,your foul,your Sun-i11inyand your Clouds, your Plenty and your vVants , your Eafes and your Pain$, your ~iberties and y0ur Pr ~fons,ar·e all rnaki Bg for you ; your good i$ already working ~yall thel'e Things. · · . · See ChriHians, what an Harveft ·of Bleffedoefs is growing up to yo~ , out of this Prom1fe; the Seed is already [owing, your good is already wor-king; God " is at work; the whole C reation is at work, Men and Angels, good men and evil men, Friend.s and Ene– ~nies, Heaven and Earth, and Heq, are 'already ingaged to work your good.. · 2. They wocl\ together, that is, as fame under· · , fiand it, they work t0gecher with G·od: a,ll the fe.– t'i)nd caufes work toze thcr with the firft caufc; or as others, They vvork together amongfl: themfelves. There is fu\:h a concatcnation ati1d concentringofalt there·fecond cauce·s, in· the fame Dd1gn; chat how.;;. ever they feem t~ thwart,~~d crofs,a 1 rid clefl: royfom~ , of them; what the others ,H.uld arid advance; yet they 2t~ '