Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

( 3 I ) ·are all united iq ~heir J?:nd ; they jointly contribute to the Weal of the Sa.z·nts. Thoug.h, if I mifiake nor, this latter be the more fenfe of the two: Yet I know no 1eafon, why bothmay not be underHoo.~. I~ ~he h_and, ,and und~r the conduCtion ·of Provtdence, ~11 thefe l<!>wer Things concur and co-0perate in the good of the Church. By the way, obferve what an I-:larmony there is in all the Works of Providence : The mofi ~rofs atud thwarting Occurrences, ~o all' confpire,and gohand in harid to bringabout the fame end. As the differ:.. ing Virtues of various D~ugs, do all concur to make up the Medicine : As the differing founds of feveral · firing~ o~ Infhuments, do altogether make ·1:1p the Melody ; As the diff~ring Colours in a Pieture, the, dark as well as the brighter, do jointly contribute to ' the Beauty of the Piece; no lefs do the moll: C.on ... trary, and C~Qtradi&ory ACtions a:nd E.vents, both make up tne BeautyofProvidence, and jointly fitb.– ferve that one .End, to which, by an unfeen f-Iand,. and an all-feeing Eye, they are direeted,and intend-· d I \ ' e • j z.The evil thint:s that 'befall the sa;·nts,c,eme up:.z on them to ~eep ~ut worfe things. Wherever the· crofs .comes, if it had not come, fomcthing Worfe might ?The Crofs may be a means to fecure from d1e Curfe: The {urfe was Oain on the Crofs ot . Chrifl; and our Crofs alfo hath its ufe, to the delivering us from it. · I Cor. I I. 3 2. We are chaftened of the Lord, thttt we.fhould not be comlemnedwith the World;Periij[em niji perii[Se~:I had died,1f I hadnot fuffer'd :· 'Tis more IJJens cafes bdides his that fpake it; 'tis no · bad Exchange, to have a Crofs inffead ofa Curfe. . . , · 3. The \ / ' ~ , j ..