Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

[ 42.] 1. The Providence of God hathw.ifdomwith it: he is the only /~ife,he .is the all wife God; He ~~ow.. ~th how to deliver the ·godly out of temptations. z Pet'. 2.9. He knowetn what is good for-his :Saints, and when'cwill be i-n fe.afon;. he underfiandeth ·what J.s proper,and pertinent to every cafe. What's pro'!' per to every purpofe, to ~very people, to e¥cry per– fen, and ' (or every feafon; he knows when 'tis a feafon to. abate, and when to exalt: when to affii&, and when todeliver, when to put on the yoak, and when to take off theyoak; When to pull down, and when tO . btiild up : every .thing is beautifull in its feafon. Ifm: rcies come out offeafon, mercies would be no me rcies; and if troubles come in their,feafon~ troubles ilioul~ i be no troubles i He kmows the befl: rnethod,and means to hig end; the fi t tdt means,.h.e fees fomtimes the unfittell to be the fittefi, the moll n1of1: unlikely unpromifing means,do often befi: ferve Gods }nd. · , Chriflians, if you would receiv·e ev~ry difpenfati. en,as coming from the hands of the wife God : you , would never quarrel with your lot, nor fay of any !hingthat befai~, I might be happy~ but this (lands . 1n my way. Ifyou would give God leave to be wi– ~er than you, . you .would fay wperc ever you are, Its good for me to be here, this is my way to my t·efi . ' 3. The Providence ofGod hath faithfu!neJs /whh it. Pfa1. 2 5. t'o. All the ptflt hs ofthe Lord are mer6J– (lnd [truth] to t.hem Jhat k._eep' his Co_venant, and ht·s ·Te!timo.nies. ,pfal. 1 r r.8. His Works arc done in . j - trt..tth.Gods--W()rks maybe fa id to be ()lone in twth, in a double fence. , · · / · .'. · In - '