Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

~ - {~3.) ' ' ' ·- In Reality~ · · , InFidelity.; ' · · I. In RealitJ,not in!pede, or in thew only, bu~ inde~d. Gods Comforts, are CotnfGrts indeed;Gods ·Salvation, 1s'Satvation indeed. TheDevif will come With hisgifts, with his._<:omforts, and deliverances; but they a~e for the moft part, but fpeClra, likehim– felf, thews, ~nd appar.itions; qui~e another thing, . than what they .fcem to be : finners comforts, de– ,~ liverances, enjoyments,.wherewith the Devil feeds ,then1 ·, d6'· le'ave them in as 'poor a cafe, and worfe than they found them: you will nevet -'thank the Devil for his kindnefs, wheh you haveprov'd th~m what they are. If you do not find your felves ~s fall bound , in the midfl: of all your liberties;,ifyou b~ ' POt wrapp'd up in as m!l.ny forrows,aftet .aJl the joys he bath procured to you ; if the'·glittering glGries, theglorying pleafures he entices you by, and _enter– tains you with, prove not trafh and dirt, and meer lies in the end,then fay, · the Devil hath forgotten his trade of lying : the Devils works wil1 be even like himfelf, falfe and deceitful. But God 'is true, and all his works are done in trut·h~ · ;. In Fidelity, his Works -are-accordit1g to his word.t King.8.24.Thou h~flfpok..enwiih th]mouth, - ~haft fulfilld.d with thine hand,in thyfaithfu(nef, thou h11ff ajflitled me. Pfal. J r9. Not only in tpy; faithfulnefs thou hall: faved me, in thy faithfuln;ef~, ,thou hafl: comforted me, in thy faithfulners thou ball fuccourcd me: but in thv faithfulnefs thou halt :tf– flit1ed -me, in 'thy fai~hfu1nefs thou .haft humbled, ;md brt)ken me,and call me down. The promifeof qoa is , tha_t we ~a~~ ~ want nothing ; we f11-all nei-: ~h~r want his Staffe,nor his Rod : neither comforts 1\Qr • l .