Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

. [ 4'4] ' nor crE>ff'es ; neither joys nor forrows ; we cannat \~en want either,andwe £hall want n'either, . becaufe God is faithful. You may <not only write down · wi~h theApo{i:le, God u faithfull.afpd willno~fujfer }JH tD !Jc tem1ted ahove that whtch_ JOU ttre ~~~le ttJ 6ea:r;but you may ,write alfo,God is faichfuJ~and_will. not fuffer you to want a temptation.When 'tis fea(o :..: l'lable-, your 'heat'ts fi1all be glad ; and ifneed be~ for a feafo'n you a1all be in heavinefs• .God i.s,faith– full,.he will ever be true to hiri)felf, '::uid therefore to y·ou. 2 Tim. 2 .9."e tt!Jideth faithful, h~ eann_ot de.. 111 him[elf. Should he be fal[e tohis People, he can.. no: be true to himfelf, to his purpofe and/promife; his Word is not yea and nay.. God is not as man, that he 010utd lye, or the Sonofman, ·that he Qlould repent ; that he lhould fay, and unfay : that he lbould fay, anq not do,; you may write Gods name · 1 upon every word he haeh fpoken, you may writ~ his Name (I Am) upon all that he hath fa id : I t il1all b'e. . Now Chriltians .; put thefe.three Particulars eo.;. · gethcr, and if you cannot fpell out the concluGon om of7chem, t~e Provi'dei'Jce ofGodwillcertillinlJ ac– comp!ifh his go()d Purpofe and Promrfc concerning ]rJU ; You are of liule underfianding as well as 'of little Faith. · Jf God'g0verns the World,andnothingcomes to pafs but by his Providence ; if Providence governs atcording to Gods Purpofe a'n.. ~ Pro~nife ; if Provi .. ' d(nce ~annot fail of accompliihing both. FfGod be Altnighty ~nd can,if God be W1[e and l<-n0wes how, ifGod be Faithfull and true, lee the De ~il if he CJ ~ , ·with a11 his ··sophift.ry, evade th~ ~ ' Condufion:) That he will certain!Jdo aft thtlt goul · ·f6r I