Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Miferies of the Vnconverted. 91 mity? The Philiftines are upon me, and God udeparted from me, I Sam. 2 8. I 5'. Sinners, But what will you do in·the day of your vifitation ? \\-'"hither will you flee for he)p ? Where \vill you leave your glory? Ifa. to. 3· What wi~l you do when the Phi_li/tines are upon· you ; when the world £hall take tts eternal leave of you; when you mufl: bidyour friends, hou· fes, lands, farewel for evermore. ? What wil\ yo_u do theri, I fay, that have never a God to go to? Vhll you call on him? Will you cry to him for help? Alas r He will not own you, Prov . I : 2 8, 29 .. he will not take any knowledge of you, but fend you pack– ing with an I n&ver knew you, Mattb. 7· 2 3. They that. know vv;hat it is to have a God tq go to, a Goll to live upon, they know a little, what a fearful 'mifery it is to be without God. This·made that holY tnan ~t:Y out, L:t m: hftve aGod, o;. n&thii;g~ ·~ . Le~ me' kn~w Inm, and bu will, and wbtt wtll .pl'ea;e btm, 41Jd h0w-I m.ty come to enjoy him ; er would I1Jad ·never bad an underftanding to know any thing, &c. : : - · But thou art not only :without Go~, but God u againft thee, Ezek. ). 8, 9· N~b. 2~ 13. - O_h, if God \YOuld bpt fl~I?~: ~ N~uter; _'though he :did not own norheJpthe 2oorfinner, hts ·~afe we·r.e not fo deep· · lymiferable. -> rTl:Jou_gn ·c .o(Piliotdd gtve'iiprthe poor creatu~e t9 the wilLo_f all his !enemies; to do their worft with hi1n; though he iliould·deliver him over– to the torn1entors, A[aitb. 1·8: j 4: that devils fl..ould te~r and tQ~ture him to ·their utt:noft po'Yer and sktll, yet thts ~ere · no.t h.alf fo fea;rful. But God will fet hjtnfelf ?tiain_!l: ~g~· ~nner; t~rid, ·· be)ieve:·it:~ 'Tk ~ fearful thing_to fiU into"1 the· bands ·of the liv-· ing God, H~b.- ro.! j r. There'is ~o friend like him,. no enemy like him. As n1uch·.as l1eaven is above the eatth, on1niimrency above impotency, infini– ty above nullity-; fo much more horrible is ·it to. fall into the hands of the living God, than into the paws