Alleine - BV4920 A44

0 finner, Howdareft thou to think of the bright andradia~tSmn of1;1u~ity, upon the beauties, the glo· ryof hohnefs that ts tnGod ! The fiar s are not pure in bu fight, Job 2).). He humblethbimfelfto behold tb{ng.r that a-re done in heaven, PiaL r.r. 3, 6. 0 thofe light and fparkling eyes of his! ~/hatdo theyefpy in thee? And thou haft no intereH in Chrifl: neither, that he fhould plead for thee. Methinks I iliould hear thee -cryingout, aftonitbed, with the Betbjhemites, Who jhall fland before this·holy Lord God? 1 Sam. 6. 2o. Thirdly, Tbe power of God is mounted like amighty Cannon againft tbee. Thegloryof God's power is ro bedifplayed, in the wonderful confufion and defiru– Clion of them that obey not th€ Gofpel, 2 Tbef r. 8,9. IJe will rnake his power known in them, Rom. g.12., ·How mightily he can tormerit them ! For this end h~e raifeth.them up, that be·might makehis power known, Rom. 9· I 7. 0 man, art thou able tomake thy par– tygood with thy Maker? No more than a tllly reed againft the Cedars of God, or a little Cock-boat a– gainft the tumbling Ocean, or thechildren's bubbles againft the blufl:eringwindsa · Sinn~r,. the power of God's anger is againfi: thee, Pfal. 9tZ>; I I. and power and anger together make fearful -work.. 'Twere better thou hadft all the world in arms againR: thee, than to have the pow– er of God againit thee. There is no efcaping his hands, no breakin~ his prifon : ' The thunder of his 'power who ·can underftand? 'fob 26. r 4• llnhappy ' rpan; _that fhall underHand it by feeling it! If he ' \vill contend with him~ he cannot anfwer himone -~'· of a thoufand. He is-wife in hear.t, and mighty . 'in fi:rength: Who hath hardned himfelf agaiaft . 'nim, and profpered! ¥1h1ch removeth the moun6; tai~, and ~hey know it not; .which overturneth ' theFi'l in his anger : Which ili~keth theearthoutof ~ her place, and the plllars thereof tremble : Which ' .. corn..