Alleine - BV4920 A44

Ufeful Queftions; wher~by ~ Chrifiiaa . . may c;Y~ry day exartune h1mfelf.. " . Pfal. 4· 4· Commune with your hearts upon your beds. EVery evening before you fle~p (anlefs you find fome other time of the daymore for your ad– vantage jn this wor:k) fequefter your felf from the: world; and having fet your heart in the p~efenceof the Lord, charge it before God to anfwer to thefe Interrogatories. . Fer your 'DN.ties. ~· r. Did not God-find me on my bed, ~hen he loc-ked formeonmy~nees? · Job 1. 5· Pfal. 5·3· ~ 2.• Hav.e not 1prayei. f6 no purpo[e, or fuffered~antiring tboughfs tq eat out my duties? Mat: I r.8,9.}er.. I 2..2.. ~ 3· Have not I neglel1ed, or been very o'lJerly tn ~be. reading God's holy word? Deu.t. 1i·. 18. Jofh. I.-7:, ~... · ~ 4~ Have I digefted the Sermon I heard laft? Htrue. I repeated it o.ver, and prayed it over ? Luk. 2, 19, r r. Pfal. r. 2.. and 119. 5, rr~ 97·. · ~ r. WM there not more of cuftom and fafhi.9n bz mJ family-duties~ tbanof C(Yn_{cience? Pfal. I o I.t.Jer. 3,0.:. r. Q; 6. Wherein bave I denied·my [elf tb~ day for God? Luke 9· :z.3. , · . ~1·Have I redeemedmy time [rem too long sr needlefs vr{lts, idle imaginations, fru.itle{s di[courfe, unnec~f!ary fleep, more tban needs of the world?. Eph.r .1 6. Col.4·S:· Q: 8. Have I done any thing m8re than ordinary for the Churchof God, in tkis time extraordinary? 2. Cor. 1 r. z.8. Ifa. 61. 6. ~ 9· Have I too~ care of my-company? Prov. I 3.1o. Pfal . r 1 9· 63. . · ~I?· Have .not ~n~glef!ed 6r done [ometbj11g againfl:, the_ dutzes of'my relatzo1Js, Mamafter, fervant, h~ba:nd;.: wife, parent, child, &c. Ephef. r.::.:..tochap~ 6,.v~ 1o6 . Col. 3. I 8. to chap. 4_• v•. 2.o . ..