Alleine - BV4920 A44

. D,~rcct-1-ons for. Con~verfion. ~ile 1!~1}-r~ht;e> .;~nq 1 poyfon thee while they · ~~e~te :t~~e~ ;anqartTl tr.~- J:U.~l;ce and. wr_ath of the in– ~D~t~~ .C)ed -:tg4j1nH ~hee. Tney wtUopen hell for t~ee,.A1.n!I p~l~ upfuel to burn .thee. Behold the'. .' ~gt~be~· .!h~~_th,ey hav~ prepared for thee. Oh, ferve ,: rhen;1 hl(e Ha:p ,nr; af}d do - ~pon them the execution , th,~y W~\lld.eXe havq dot1e upon thee. Away with· t~en];!;c)Juctfi~ ;them, ;a:nd l~t Chrift only be Lord . ~ over. tbG€.. ,..,;, .. ~ . . J?1~:e{t: \t( '!iffake afolemk of-God £or thy por- ~ t!~-~·/!:i14 f.lej[edn~{s, qe.u~. l-6. . \ all poilible de– VO;t~yt1·: and v~t1era.tton . ~vouc~ the Lor,d for - ~hy ; God-..,. S~t- th~· ..w.o!:lfl, \Vlth;alltts glory, aPd patnt, . apd , ga1l~~1t~y, ~\it~ · ~aU. it~ · ~.l.eafi1res and pron1o~ ttons, . en the on.e hand; ind fet God, ·with all his in.fii<~it~ ~xc~ll~nci~s and perfeS:iops, on the other; ' ~;nd fe-e that thoudo deliberately make thy choice, :f:rJh~ 2,4.. r5'. Take' up thy reft in God, :fob. 6. 68. Sf:t tb:~, qown under his f112dow, Cant. 2. 3· Let h!,s pro.n1ifes ?nfl pe.rfe{ti~ns .turn the fcale againft all die wodd. SettleJt upon thy heart that the lord is an all-fuffi.cient portion, .that thou canfl: not.bemiferablewbile thou hail a God to Irve u,pon: Take him · for thy fhield, and exceeding great re– lvard. God alone is n1ore than all theworld, con– t~1-~r thy .f<!lf with Let others carry the prefer– ·tnen~s and glory of the world, place tho~ thy hap– pinefs in his f~vour, and the light 'Of h1s countenance, Pfal. ·4· ,, 7· . Poor finner, thou art failen -off fromGod1and .J .r~n engaged his power and wrath againfr thee ~ Yet know, that of his abundant ~race, he doth of– fer to be thy God again in Chrift, :z, Cor. G. 1_7, I 8. 'Vhat {avefr thou. n11n? Wilt thou have the Lord fi)r thy ·,G0:l? Why, take ;~is ·coun_feL, ar:d ,tho~ fh-alt have hi1n. Gon1e to n1m by hts Chnft, :fob. 1 4· 6. Renounce the idols of thine own pleafur~s, · 1 • • gam, ....