Alleine - BV4920 A44

DireElions for Converfion. Ij) · ·I. In earneftly his fpeciill a.ffiftance, andgra· riotu acceptance of tbee. · :t. '.Inconfidering diftinflly all the terms or conditions ' ~~ th~~ Covenant, exprejfed in the form hereafter p~opoft~ . . . ~· In fettrcbing thine heart, whether thouart fincere~ ly willing to forfake all tby frns, and to refign up thy [elf, body and [c~ ul, unto God, and liis fervice ; to ferve him in holinefs and rigbteoufnefs,- all the days of thy life. · Secondly, Cotnpofe thy fpirit into the moft ierious frame poffib]e, fuitable to a tranfaetion of fo high tn1portance. . · · -- " Thirdly, Lay'hold ·on the Coven~nt of God, and rely upon his promife of givinggrace and fl:rength, whereby thou .mayefl: be enabled to perform thy promife. Truff not to thine own ftrength, to the ftrengthof thineown refolutions, but takehold on his ftrength. , . _ . Fourthly, Re(olve to be faithful; having engaged thine heart, opened thy mouth, and fubfcribed with thy hand unto the Lord, refolve in his firength ne.. ver to go b~ck. . Laftly, Being thus prepared, on fome convenient titne iet apart tor the purpofe, fet upon the work; and in the moft folemn manner -poffible, as ifthe Lord were vifibly prefent before thine ~yes; fall ·down on thy knees ;! and fpreading forth thine ·hands toward~ heaven, · d~ thine heart to the Lotd · .in ihefe, or the like words. I ,. • J: • 0 Mofi dreadful God ! Fot: the paffion of thy Son, I befeech thee, accept of thy poor pro– digal, !\Owproftrating himfelf at·-thydoor: 1have ·fallen from .thee by miqe iniquity; and am by na– ture·a.fon of.death, ·and a thoufand... fold more the . child' of hell, oy mywicked praaice) out of thine intinite grace, thou haft promifed. n1ercy to ·me in ~ . ~~~