Alleine - BV4920 A44

An Earneil: Invitation to Sinners to T'urn to God, inorder to their Eter: nal Salvation. Early beloved, and longed for, I gladly · acknowledge my felf a debtor to you all, and am concerned;, as I would be found a good Steward 'to the Houibold ofGod, .to give to every one his portion. But the Pfnfician is moft folicitous for thofe Patients, whofe cafe is moft doubtful and hazardeus ; and the Fa.. ther's bowelsareefpecially turned towardshis dying Child. The numbers of the unconverted fouls among you, call for my moft earneft: compaffions; and haR:y diligence, to pluck them out of the burn– ing. Y.ude 2 3· and therefore to thefe firft I ihall a~ ply my felf in the!e lines. But whence fball I fetch my ~rguments, or hew fhall I chufe my words? lord, wherewith fl1aU I woo them? wherewith fhall I win them? Oh, that I ·could but tell! I would write unto them in tears, I would weep out every Argutnent, I would empty my veins ·for Ink, l would petition them on my knees; verily, (were I able) I would. Oh, how th_ankful I would be, if they would be prevailed_ With to repent and turn ! . · Ho·w long have I .travailed in birth with you ? How frequently have I made fuit to you ? How oftenwould I have gathered you? How inftant have I be~n withyou? This is that I have prayed for, and fiudted for, for manyyears, that _I mig~t bring you , !OGod: Oh, that I mtght but do-tt! W111 youyet be ~~treat<(4 ~ 9h, ~hat~happyman might youmake B me,