Alleine - BV4920 A44

Dire£lions for Converfion. t~r, for worfe ; for richer, for poorer ; for all times I a·nd conditions ; to love, honour and obey thee, before all others ; and this to the death. I embrace thee in all thy offices : I renounce mine own wor– thinefs, and do here avow thee to be the Lord my Righteoufnefs : I renounce mineownwifdom, and do here take thee for mine·onlyguide: I renounce - mine own will, and take thy wUl for my law. And fince thou haft told-me that I muft fuffer if · I will reign, I do here covenant ·with thee to take my lot, as it falls, with thee ; and, by thy grac~ af. fifting, to run all hazards with thee ; verily fuppo-- 6ng that ·neither life nor death {hall ·part between thee and me. · · And becaufe thou haft been 'Ihe le4ft prb:zcipleafed tq give me thy holy laws, pal are the Laws as the rule of my life, and the way of Chrift, which in which I fltouldw~lktothyking– muft b-e-~h'" ob- -dom, I do here willingly put my {erved. , neck under thy yoke, and fet my · fhoulder to thy burden·; and fub· fcribing to all thyL_aws, as holy, juftand good, I fo· lemnly~ake them as the rule ofmywords, thoughts and aetions; promifing,that though my flelli con– fradict and rebel; yet I will endeavour to order and -govern my whole·life .according to thy direCtion, and will not allow n1y felf in the neglect of any thing th~t I know to bemy duty. · . Only becaufe, through the frailty of my fleib, I am fubjeet to many failings, I am bold- hum– bly to protefi, That unallowed mifcarriages, con– trary to the fetled bent and refolution of my"heart, ihall not make void this covenant; for fo thou haft faid. , . Now, Almighty God, feareher of hearts, tho!l knowefl: that I make this covenant with th~e this day, without any known guile or refervation; ~e- , feechins