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DireEfions for Converfion. more, .AOl. 24. 1). Oh, come in 'while it is called - to day, left thou £houldfi: be hardened through. the d~ceitfulnefs of fin; left the day ofgra~e fhould h~ q.ver, and the things that belong to thypeace fhou1d be hid from thine eyes. Now tnercy is wooi.t1g of . thee; now Chrifl: is \Vaiting to be gracious to the~, and theSpirit ofGod is !h-ivingwith th~· e : Now 1V1i– nifrers are·calling; nowConfcienceis fiirring; now ' the market is op::n} and oil may he had, thou haft opportunity for the buying : Now Chri§! is to be had for the taking. Oh! firike in with theof1'ers of ·~grace: : Oh! now, or never. If thou n1ake light of this offer, God n1ay fwear in his wrath, thou i11alt "' tafte ofhis ":upper-, Lu.~. r 4 · 14. ·· ))Irett. XII. Att·end confcientifiujly upon the w:!Jrd, M :. the means appointed·for thy conuerfion, J a1n. I. I 8> r9· · 1 Cor. 4· r ;. Attend, I ~y, not cuftomarily, but · confcientioufly; with this, defign, hope and expectation, that thou mayeft be converted- by it. To· evet·y s~rmon ·thou hea.reft ~ come wirh this thought; ..Ob ., I bopeGolwill now co -ne·in: I hepe tbis day mcty be the time> tbu m.ty .be t?e man by whom God ~ will bring me bome~ · VV.hen thou art coming to the · ordinances, life up thine heart thus to God : Lord, · ltt tbis be t 1 Je S.tbb.itb, l;t tbis be tbJ fea.f<Jn, wherein I may receive renewirg gra~·e. Ob, let it be [aid~ tb.:tto "' day (rtch a one 'I::"M born unto thee. o·bjeR•.Thou wilt fay, I have been long aheater' .. of the word, and yet it hath not been effect~al to n1y con.verli;n. A_n(w: Yea,-but thou jhaft not ar– . tended upon it in this· manneri. as a means. of ,!hr ·converfion, nor with this defign ;. nor pray1ng rdr, and exp~c1ing of this happy eif~a ~f .it~ . Direct. XIll. Strike in rviti.the Sptrtt, w!ifrt ke be_– giiu to wor!( upon .thy bectrt. When. he ~ror~s COf?Vl· Ctions, Ohdo not fhfle thern, but )Oft:l.ln w~th ~1 n1; -a!1i ·b~g· the Lord to carry on conv'Ichons, to C_?n.. · · · ·· verhqn.