Alleine - BV4920 A44

4 Mifialles About,Converfion: weighty errand indeed, vit. to convince, Qnd con~ "' vert, and to fave you, I am not baiting my hook with Rhetorick, .nor fifhing for your applaufe, but for your fouls. · My work is not to pleafe you, but to fave you ; nor is my bufinefs with your fan... cies, but your hearts; Ifl.havenot your .hearts, I have nothing. Ifi were topleafe your ears, I could fing another fong. IfI were to preach my felf, I would fieer anothercourfe.; I could then tell you a fmoother tale : I would make you pillows, and fpeak yQu peace;for how canAbab love this Micaiah that always prophefies evil concerning him ? r !{in. 2..2.. 8. But how -much better are the wounds of a Frienq, tran the fair fpeeches of the Harlot, who flattereth .with her lips, tlll the Dart !hike throu~h the liver, and hunteth for the precious life ? Prov. 7o 2 r, 22,2 3·. and Prov. 6. '-6. If I were to quiet a crying infant, I might fing him toa pleafant mood, and r9ck him a'fleep. But when the Child is fallen into .the Fire, the parent takes another courfe; he will not_ go to fiill him with a fung or trifle..I know ifwe fpeed not with you, you are loft. Ifwe can– not get your confent to arife, and CGme away, you periih for ever. No Converfion,and no Salvation: l _muft get your good will, or leave you miferable. But here the difficulty ofmy work again recurs npon1ne. Lord choofe my ftones out of the Roe~, I Sam. ·17. 40, 4). I come in the name of the Lord of Hojl.!, ~ the God of the Armies of Ifrael. I come forth like the firipling Goliah, to -wreftle, not -with fiejb and btood,but "'l'ith Principalities and Powers, and 'he Rulers of the dar~nefs· ofthis world, Eph. 6. 1.2. This day let the Lord {mit~ the P.hiliftine,artd [poil the ftrong man ofhis Armour tt:nd give me to fetch off t.he captives out of his bllnd. Lord &hoofe my words, cboo(e my weapon.sfcr me,and wben I put my hand into the bag, and ta~e thence ll ftone,andjliYJ.git, .~'. th~u .~41rJ # t~ . ~k~ mar~ a.nd m~l,e it. P1zt, . not . int" ':lN,