Alleine - BV4920 A44

Miftakes about Converfion~ rcaufe they had but a name' are condemned' by Chrift; and threatned to·be fpewed out, Rev.~. r ,1 6. Are there not many·that nan1e the name of. the Lord JefusJ that yet·depart not from i~iquity? 2 Tim.2 •. 19. and profefs theyiknow God~but tn works denyhtm? Tit. I. 16. And will God rec~ive thefe for true Con- - verts, becaufe turned to the ·Chriftian Religion ? What ! converts.from fin, whenyet they·do live in fin ? 'Tis·a vifiblecontradiction. ·Surely, if the lamp ofprofdftonwould have ferved the rurn,the foolifh Virgins ha-d never been lliut out, Mattb. 2 5'. 3, ~-~· We find not only·profeffors, but preachers·ofChri~, and ·wonder-workers turneddff, ·becau1e evtl work– ers, lv!atth. 7. 22, 2 3. 1. It Ji n{)t-the being wa{hed in the laver of Re(enera~a tion,. or putting on the badgeof Chrift·iri BaptHin. Many take the prefs-money, and-wear theLiveryof .Chrifl:, that y-et neve-r fiand to theircolouts, nor fo}... low their leader. AnaniM and saphira, ancfMagtU; werebaptized, . as well as the rtft- How fondly do manymiftakehere, deceiving, and being deceived ! dreaming that eifeetual grace is ·neceffarily tied to ~h~external adminiftration.of Baptifm (which,~hat ' ts tt; but to revive the PoptfbTetlent, of theSacraments w·orkinggrace, tx opere operata?) and fg eve– ry- Infant £hall be regenerated, not lonly (Sacramento tenws)facramenta1ly, but really and properly. Hence mendofancy, that being regenerated already, when , baptized, tl)ey need no farther work. . , ~ut.if thiswere fo> thenall_that were baptized (in · theu:• tnfancy) mufl: nece!fanly be faved ; becaufe the promife of pardon and ialvation is madeto con.... . ~ verfion·and regeneration. . - · · A~s 3· !9• 1-Pet..3· 4· Mat~h. ~·9· 28. qur calling, fancbficatton (as to the begtnntngs of.1t) ·. or con– verfion (which are but the tame thing, umder dif· ferent conceptionsandexpreffions) .is but a middle ... lt 4 · link ..