Alleine - BV4920 A44

Miftak§1 about Converfion; ·3· lt lies 1UJt in amoral righteou{nef's. Thisexceeds not the righteoufnefs of the Scribes and Pharifees, , and therefore cannot bring us to the Kingdom of God, Matth. ) . 2o. Paut, while unconverted, touch– ing the righteoufnefs which is in the Law. blamelefs, Philip. 3· 6. None could fay:, Black is thine eye. The Self·ju.tticiary could fay, I am no Extortioner, Adul– terer, Unjuft ~ &c. Luke r 8. I I. Thoumuft have Come– thing more than all this to fhew, or elfe (however thou mayeft jufiifie thy felf) God will condemn· t-hee.. I condemn not morality, but warn you not toreft here: Piety includesmorality, as Chriftiat.'li– ty Clotn humanity, andgrace reafon ; but we muft .npt divide the tables. co~fifts not in ttn external conformity to the ruler of piety. 'Tis too manifeft, menmay have a form of ~ , godlinefs, without the power, 2 Tim. 3. r. Men may pray long, Mattb. 23. 14. and faR: often:; Lttke18. 1.2. and hear gladly, Mark 6. 2o. and be very forward inthe fervice of God, though coftly and expenfive, I fa. ·I .11. andyet be ffrangers to converfion. They muft have more toplead for themfelves, than that they keep their Church, and give alms, and make ufe ofprayer toprove themfelves found Converts. No . outward fervice, but an hypocrite may do it ; even . ~o the giving all his goods to the poor, and his mem-. 6ers to the fire, 1 Cor.13. 3· · . r. Jt liesnot in the chaining up of corruptior~:, by edu~ ·cation, humane laws, or the force of incumbent affliction. 'Tis too.commonand eafie, to miftake educationfor grace; but if this were enough, who a better man than'fehoajb? While:fehojadahhis uncle lived,he was very forward inGod's fervice,and calls upon him to' repair the houfe,of the Lord, 2 I(ings 12. ~, 7· :aut laerewasnothingmore than good educationall this while; for when his good tutor was taken out of theway, he appears to havebeenbut awolf chained ~!UP~ ~ f~l~ P,~ ~0 !~9.l~try~ -· - - -·- - ~~ ~