Alleine - BV4920 A44

The N ttt ure of Converfion. 37 is no longer a matter by the by with him, but the mainof his care, Mattb. 6. 3~· P[al. 2.7. 4· Now the gawdy Idol is become Nehujhtan, 2 I(ings 18. 4· and hegets up and treadsupon it, as Diogenes trampli11g on Plato's hangings; faying, .Calco Platoni! faftum. Before the world had the fwaying intereft with him,; hewould do more for, than godlinefs, I Tim. 6. 6 . . more to pleafure his friend, or his fldb ~ than to pleafe the God that tnade him, and God mull: flandby, till the world were firfl: ferved: But now an muft fiand by; he hates father, and mother, and life and all, in comparifonof Clirift, Luke 1. 26 . Well then, paufe a little, and look within: Doth not this near1y concern thee ? Thou pretendeR: for Chrift ; but doth JlOt the world fway thee ? Dofi: thou not take more real delight and content in the world, than inhim? Dofi not thou find thy felfbet..._. ter at eafe when the world goes to thy n1ind, and thou art encornpaffed with carnal delights, than when retired to prayer and tneditation in thy clofet~ or attending upon God,s word and woriliip ? No . furer evidenceofan unconverted fiate, than to have the-things ·of the world uppe~mofl: inouraims) love, / and eftim1tion, 3-obn 2. I)· James 4· 4· With the found ~on':ert, Chrifi: ~ath the fupre:oo 11_1acy._ .Howdear ts thiS name to .htm? How pre– ctous ts tts favour? Cant , r. 3· P[al ; 4· 8. Thename of Jefus is engraven upon his heart, Gal. 4 . -t 9 • and lies as a bundle of Myrrh between his breafts, ~llnt. r. IJ, 14: Honour is bu~- air~ and laughter IS but madnets, an_d Mammon 1S fallen like. Dagon before the Ark~ wtth hands and head broken off on the threfho~d j ,when once Chrifi ~s favingly re– vealed~ Here IS ~ne pearl of great pnce to the true Convert, here IS h,t~ trearure, here ,is .his hope, ~~~ttb. 13 . 44, 45'. Tnts 1s hts_glory, n1y beloved ·is nu-ne, and I an1hts, Qat. 6. 1 4· C{l,;t , 2~ 1£. Oh, _'tis fweeter