Alleine - BV4920 A44

.The Nanere of Converfi~n; vant depart in peac:e, Luk. 2. 2. ~· and faith with:f4c~b, when his old heart revived at the welcome _tidings, It i~ enougb, Gen 4r. 28. When he fees he hath.a God in covenant to go te, tbii u all his falvation, and aU his defire, 2 San1. 2 3. r. · . . . ~Ian, is this thycafe? Haft thou expenenced thts? ~Vhy then, ble.tfed art thou ot the Lord : God hath been at work with thee, he bath layed hold on t(ly heart. by the pow·er of converting grace, or elfe thou couldfi never have done this. · The mediate term of_converfion is either principal, or le{s principal. . . The principal is Chri!t, the only :Mediator be– tween God and 1'Ian, 1 Tim. 2. 5· Hts \VOrk 1s to bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3· 18. He is the :way to the Father, Job. 14. 6. the only plank on which \Vemay efcape, the cnl7 door bywhich we may enter, :fob. 1o. 9· Converfionbringsover the foul to Chrift, to ·accept of him, Col 2. 6. as the only means to life, as the only way, the onlv nan1e given under heaven,' A{[. 4· r 2. He looks not for falvation in any other but him, nor in any other with him; but throws himfelf on Chrifi alone, as one that ibould caft himfelf with fpread arn1s upon the fea. · Here (faith the convinced finner) here I TPi/J. venture, and if I perijh, I pcrijh; if L die, l wiU die here. But, Lord, fujjer me not to perifh undtr the pitiful eyes of thy mercy. In.n·eat me not to leave thee, or to turn 4"'Pit1J from foUowing after t ,;ee, Ruth : 1 . I'· Here I . w;}l throw my [elf: If thou kick me, if thou kill me, Job I~· ~ 5'. 1wiU no-t go from tby dow. , · Thus the p~or foul d-oth venture OI'l Chrifi, and refolvedly adhere to hirrt . Before converfion th.e man made lig~t of Chrift ~ minde~ the farn1: fhends, n1erchandtfe, more than Chnft, Matth. 2.2 ; •. Now Chrift i? to him as his neceffary fcod, hts dally bread, the hfe of his heart, the ftaff of his life.s