Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Nature of · Converfion~ .. 47 and narrow the way that leadeth unto life. ~ '·That there be but fe·w that ·find it. 3. ·That there is need of a divine power' favingly to co,nvert a finner to Jefus Chrift. · ,_ · . . Again, Then be exhorted, 0 man .that -readeft, to turn in upon thine own fel£ What faitli Con– fcience? Doth it not begin to bite? D.oth it not twitch thee as thou goeft ? Is this thy judgment, and this thychoice, and this thy way, that we have d~ fcribed ? Iffo, then 'tis well. But doth not thyheart cortdemn thee, ,and tell thee, thereis fuch a fin thou livefi in, againft: thy Confcience ?. Doth it not tell thee, there is fuch and fuch a fecret way of wicked- · nefs, that thou·makeft no bones of? Such or fuch a duty, that thou makeft no confcience of? Doth not Confcience carry thee to·thy clofet, and tell thee how feldom prayer and re.ading is perfonn– ed there? · Doth it not carry thee to thy family, and thew thee the charge of God, ·and the fouls of thy . children and fervants that be negleC'ted there ? Doth not Confcience lead thee to thy :lhop, thy trade, and tell thee of fome myft:ery of iniqliity there ? Doth it not carry thee to the Ale-lliop, or to the Sack-fhop, and round thee in thin: ear for the loofe company . thou keepeft there, the precious time thou Jnif- fpendefl: there, . for the talents of God which thou ·throweft down this fink, for thy gaming, and thy fwilling ? &c. Doth it not carry thee ·into thy fe– cret chamber, and read thee a cqrtain-lecture ? 0 Confcience, do thyduty: Tn the name of the living God, I con1mand thee, difcharge thine office a Lay holdupon this finner, fall upon him,arrefi hin1, appreh~nd him, undeceive him. What! Wiitthou flatter and footh him, while he lives in his fins.? Awake, 0 Confcience: ~hat n1eaneft · thou, · 6 fle~er ? What ! Haft thou never a reproof in th'y mouth? What ? Shall this foul .di~ ;in his carelefs ~ · ·· · ·' :neglecc ..