Alleine - BV4920 A44

The lveceffity of Converfion: 5I~ that a-natural man ibould do the Lord anypleafing fervice : Hemufi: :firft be taught of God, ~ob. 6. 4; • .taught to pray, I:-u~. r r. i. taught to prafi~, I[a. 48'. . 17. taught to·go, Ho[. I I. 3· or elfe he wlll be ut– .terlf at a lofs.] z. H€ bath no ftrengtb for it. How weak is his heart ? Ete~. 16. 30. He is prefently tired. Th~ Sabbath, Vvhat a wearinefs is it?. Mal.· 1. I 3. He is without flrength, Rom. 5'. 6. yea, fiark dead in fin, Epbe[. z. 5'·] 3· He bath no mind to it. He defires not the knowrledge of Go~·s ways, ~ob 2. 1. r4· l-Iedoth not know them, an-d he doth not. care to know them, P[al. Sz.. 5'. ,He knows not, nei· · ther will he underi{and.] 4· He batf} neither due in- • ftruments, nor materials fo~ it. Amanmay as well hew the Marblewithout tools, or limn \Vithout co– .lours orinfi.ruments, or buildwithout n1aterials, as performany acceptable fervice without the graces of theSpirit, which are both the materials and In"'', . ftruments in the ·work. Alms-giving is not a· fer.... vice of God, but of vain-glory, unlefs dealt forth by the harid ofdivine love. \Vhat is the prayer of the lips without grace in the heart, but the car– cafe without the life ? What are all our confeffions,· .unlefs they be the exerciies of godly forrow, and unfeigned repentance ? What our petitions; unlefs ani,mated all along with holy defires, and faith in divine attributes and promifes? What our praifes and thankfgivings; unlefs from.the love of God, ~n•, · a holygratitude, and fenfe of God's mercies in 'the ', · : heart ? Sothat a inan may as well expect the· trees · ·· •· fhould fpeak, or look for Logick fron1 the brutes, or . motion from thedead, as for any fervice holy and acceptable to God, from the unconverted. When· ~h~ tree is evil, how 'a~n the fruit be good? Mat~;,~ 7• I 8. . . . .· Secondly,. Tobad purpofe.. Theunconverted foul .ts ayery c~ge of unclean btrd!~ · R.ev. 18. z., afepul... ·u - 'hre -- . _. _... ..