Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Necelfi-ty of Converfiof!~· fihility, abfurdity, blafphemy, that is in fucha confi. dence! To think Chrifl: will ever f'lve thee in this , condition, is to make thy Saviour to bece1ne a fin– ner, and to de more wrong to the.infinite Majefly than all the wicked, or devils in hell eve; did, or could : And yet wilt thou not give up fuch ·a blafphemous hope ? n. Again{t his word. We neednot fay, Who jball afcend into heaven, to bring down ChrHi from above? Or wbo fhall defcend irtta the deep, to bri~g up Chrift from beneath? The wor4 is nigh tu; Rom. 10. 6-, 7, 8. Are .you agreed~ that Chrifl: fhall end the controverfie? Hear then his own words: Except .you b-e converted, you jhtll in no wife enter into the kingdom of be.aven, Mat. r8. 3· Tott muft be bor·n again, Joh. 3· 7· If I tbee not, thou hi{t no part in me, Joh. I 3. 8. Repent or-perifo, luk. I 3. 3. One word, one would.think, were enough from Cht~i£1; but how often and earneftly doth he reiterate lt-? PerilJ, :verily, verily, verily, ex– cept a m4n be born·again., l~e ]ball not fee th? kbg.dom of God, Joh. 3· 3, r· Yea, he d0th not opiy aifert, but prove'the neceffity of the new birth, ..,i~: fron1 thefl~!blinefs and filthinefs of man's firft birth, Job. ~. 6. by reaion of which, rnan is nomore fit for heaven, than the beaft is for the chamber of the King's prefence. And wilt thou yet believe thine own prefun1ptuous confidence, direCtly againft Chri{Fs words? He muft go quite ~gainft the law of his Kingdom, and.rule ofhis,Judgment, to fa ve thee in this ertate. · III. .Againft hh oatb. He hath ljfced up his.hand to heaven ; he hath fv;orn, ~hat thofe that remain in ,unbelief, and know not-his ways (that is, are ig– norant of them, or difobedient to them) H1al1 not enter it1to his reft, P{al.. 9S. r r:. Heb. 3.1S.: And wilt ~ thounot yet believe, 0 finner, that he is in ear- _neft? Canft t-hpuho~he will beforfworn foi·.thee? ~ · · The I •