Alleine - BV4920 A44

~ty argument. Oh., that,youw_ould but hearken to me! that you woufd pr~f9n~Jy fet upon a new c~urfe ! Will you not be ma:de clean? When fhalltt once be? What! Will no body be P.erfuaded? Reader~ fball I prevail with thee for on~? ·wilt thou fit down and confider the fore- menttoned !lrguments, and debate if, whether it be not befl: to trirn.? Con1e and let us rea:fon together : Is it good for thee .to be here? Wilt thou fit ftill, till the tide come in npon thee? Is it goodfor thee to·try whether GC!d ~ill be fo good as his word ; and to harden thy {elf in a conceit, that all is well with thee, while thou re– mainefl: unfanB:ified ?, But I know you will not be perfuaded, but the greateft .part will be as they hav:_e been, al!d do ·as they have done. I know.-: the dru~kard wlll ~o his vomit ag~in, and t}. ·~ ue~~::i.ver \Vill to his deceit a– gain, and the lufiful wanton to his dallianceagain. Alas, I muft leave you where you were ; in your ignorance or loofenefs_, or inyour lifelefs for– mality, and cufl:on1arydevotions ! However, I will fit down and bemoan my fruitlefs labours, and fpend fome fighs over my periibing hearers. ·a diffracted finners! \Vhat ·will their end be? What will theydo in the day cf vifitation? Wbitber . , wiU they flee for help? 'Where will tbey lea7:e their gloJ}'? · lfa. 1 o. 3. Howpo~verfully hath fin bewitchedthem-? / Howeffectually hath the God of this world blinded them ? How firong is their delufion? How uncir.. cumcifed their ears? How obdurate their hearts ? Satan bath them at his beck. But how long may I call, and cart get no anfwer ?· I may difpute with themyearafter year, and they will give me thehear– ing, and that is all. They muft and will have their fins, fay what .1 will:' though I te11 them there is death in the c;up, yet they will take it up: Thour1h .l tell them 'tis the broa4 way, andendeth indefir~ction,