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htarts, and difcover the hidden abominations th·a.t 4re lur~ingout of fight, in the dark. Oh, fend thine Angel . befort me, to o;entbe {undrywardsof their-hearts, astbo~t didft before Pet~, ancl mak.e e'l:Jen the iron gates to fly o– pen of their ownaccord. And M Jonathan no [oontr ta– fted the.bontJ, but ·hk eyes were enlightned; fo g'~ant, 0 . Lor_d, tbatwhenthe poor deceived fouls with whom Ihave to do, foal/. caft eyes upon thefe lines, their mind!· may be i!lumi~ated, and their con[ciences convinced and aw.tkened, that they may fee with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and be converted, and thou mtlyeft beal them. This muft be premifed, before we proceed to the difeovery, Tha~ itis moft certain men may have a confitient perfuafiop,_that their hearts and fiates be goo~, aQd _yet be nnfound. Hear the Truth him– felf, whofhew_s ,inJ.aodice~t's cafe, that men may be wretched, apd rp.iferable, and poor, and blind, and naked, and ye~ t].Q~· ~now it ; yea~ tfley may be con– fident the:y are rich, and increafed in grace, Rev. 3· 17. There is a generatio-, that is pr:tre in tbeir own eyes, andyet k net wafoed f rom their jilt fline(s, Prov. 3o. 1 ~. '\-Vho better perfuaded of his cafe than Paul, while ,·yet he remained uqco~verted ? Rom. 7. 9· So that theyaremiferablydecetved, that takea ftrong con- . fidence, for a fufficient evidence. They that have no better proof, than barely a fhong perfu.afion, that they are converted, are certainly as yet firang€rs to Converfion. . . But to con1e more clofe : As tt was fatd cf the adherents of Antichrift, fo here; fome of the un– convertedcarry theirmarks in their foreheads, more openly ; and (ome_ in their hands, more covertly. TheApoff:le reckons up f0me, uponwho~hewrites the fentence ofdeath, as in thefe .dreadful cata– logues, which I befeech you to attend witp .all dili– gence, Epbef. ) . r, 6. For thisyou know, that tfO ~bore· mGmger, JZQr UTZclean perfon, nor covetou~ man, w~ok ~n .~- dol~ter,