Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Mark! of the Vncpnverted. 77 elves. A n1ari may be free from open poliutionS', and yet die at laft by the fatal hand of forne uno~~ ferved iniquity. And there be thefe twelve hidden fins, bywhich fouls go do\:()n by nu;nbers into the chambersof death : Thefe you n1ufi fearch carefuUy for .. and take them as black marks (vvhere- ever they be found) difcovering a gracelef<> and uriconverted eR:ate. And as you love your lives, read carefully, witha holy jealoufie ofyour felves, lef.t you fhould · be the p"'rfonqconcerned. · t. Grof.r ignorance. Ah, howmany poor fqulsdoth. this fin kill in the dark, Ho[. 4· G. while they think verily they have good hearts, and are in the ready way to heaven ! This is the murderer that difpatch– eth thoufandsina fi1entn1anner, when(poor he2.rts) they fnfpeet nothing~ and .fee.not the hand that tni[– chiefs thetn. You iball find, whatever excufes yoll have for ignorance, that .it is a foul-undoing evil, Ifa. 21. I r. 2Th.e[. I. 8. 1 Car. 4· 3· Ah! .Would it not have pitied a n1an's heart to have feen that woful fpeCl:acle, \V hen th~ poor ProteHants \vere fl:ut up 7 . a multitude together, in a b~rn_ ; and ~· Butchet~· COmes, .\Vith hi!ii inhumane hands .warn1 i-n humane blood, and leads then1 one by 'ode;· blindfold, ~0 a · hlC?ck>, \vhere he !le\~ the1n :(poor 1nnQcents!) ~one after another, by rrie icores, in -cold blood ? ·But howmuch more fhGul<d our .hearts bl~ed, to-think of the hundreds in great congce g::ttions~ that igno– rance doth butcher in fecret, and lead the tn biind- , fold to the block? Beware this be none of ye:ur cafe: Iv1ake np pleas .for ,ignoran.ce : If you (pare that fin, .know that that \filfil9r.fpare yqu. -. \Vill'. .a man keep a murderer io·his bofotp? __~ · , · · · · ~ ~ • .See,ret - re{e~7JfS _in clofint. wzth' c_hrift. t To., for ... ,~. fake all for Chttfl: ; toha~e father and mdthei·., -yea;, · and a man's own life -for hin1; ~his is a hard ~aying, Ltlk· r4~ 26. Some W'lll do.much) but they wtll not E 1 be