Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

------------------------------~------------- •tt$~,·~~·~'''"ilt~· ~,$~ The · Contents of this Buok. BOOK I. Ghap. I•• He proerm,divifi~n)nd opmingofthe'!'ords.p. 3. · Cnap.2A Sect. I. The duty tf lookmg offall ; . · other things, C.{)njirmed and cleared. p. 6. Sect. z. An exhortation to look off all other things. p.r2. Sect. 3· Directions how to look oft all other things. p. I 5 Chap.3. Sett.r. An explanation of the act, and object. p. 18 Sect. 2, The maine Doctrine and confirmation ofit. p.zz Sect.3. Ufe ofreproofe. p. 24 ... _ Sect. 4. Ufeofexhortation. p. 29 Sect.. 5. "Motives from our wants in cafe ofneglect. p. 3 I Sea. 6 Motives from our riches in ca(e we are lively in this duty. Sect. 7 More motives to encourage us in this work. . Sect. 8 Ufe of direction. BOOK. II. p. 36 ,. P4° P46 • Chap. I Sect I ofthe eternalgeneration ofottr 'fe{us. p 55 Sect. 2 ofour election in chrijl before all worlds. P. 6 z Sed. 3 ofthat great treaty in eternity betwiJft God and Chrift toJave fouls. p 65 Sed. 4 The projel'f, p 67 Sed. 5 The cotmcel. p 68 Sel-9:, 6 The foreknowledge, p 72 " Seer. 7