Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

--~- -~--------------- The Contents. Sect. ·7 The pttrpo{e. p 76 Sect:. 8 The decree. p 68 · Sect:. 9 The covenant. . - p 8o Chap. 2 Seet; i~ ofknowing 'je(tu· .ts cttrryirtg 011 the gre11J work of , ofll' f1lvation in that eternity,, p 86 · .Sed. 2 ofcon(tdering fefus in that re/}ect, p 88 Sect, 3 ofdefiring after fefus in that ref}ecta. p IOZ· . Sect. 4 of hoping in fefus in·thttt re(Jrect. p IO) SeCt. 5 ofbeleeving in fefus in th:;tt r_.efPect. ·p I JQ, " Sect.-6 of loving fe[us in that r.e(P.ect. p II 5 Sect, 7 of joying in fe(us -in that rej]m.t. p II 8 Sett. 8 ofca/ting on fefus in tHat re{]rect, p 120 • ~(~Ct: .. 9 of conforming to ff[UI. fn ~hat refP~ct·.- ,\ · .l? ;t2I: BOOK Ill'. ' .. ~h~. 1 SeCl. :"of chrift R,romi(ed brJ.egr:es.~ . ·. · )':. :129: Sect, 2 . of th~ covenant ~f promtfe as mrt~tfe~ed to Aqam.· -r} 3 3 ~~cr. 3 ofthecovenant ofpromt(eas mttttife(fulto Abrahim. p 143 . . , Sect:. 4 ofthe.c()'l.lenant of promi(e annani(eftedto !1o[es. p I 55 SeCt. 5 ofthe_covenant ofpromi{e as mani{ejled'to Dl_vld: -p 172 Sect. 6 o(the covenant of promife as mttnifefled fo Ifrae-1 rt6'01tt the -·;;,time o{the captivity. . p I 8o Chap. 2 Sect:. 1 of knowing J eft~s as car~ymg on the great work ofour {ttlva.tion from the creation untilt his firft ~·oming•. p I97 S_ecr. 2· of con,(ldering J e[us in that reffect·. p I98 Sect. 3- o(&fi~ing Jerus inth4t reject. ) · 1 ·p21o Sed· .-"r of hoping inJe(us irJ. th.1t re-(f'eet. -p 2_ r 8. Sect: 5 of hefe ~ving in J efiH m that refPect; p l2 2 Sect 6 oflovi"~gJe{t~s in that refPect. p 230 Sea. 7 of; o-vt 'lg in J e {ttS in that re(Jmt . . p l3 5 SeCt, 8 of calling ort J e{us in that reJPect. · p 2 ~9 S~ct. C). 01CM+&rmirW tO Jerus in,that refPect~ p 242 - '1 'J' ,) J' . BOOK• . I